Green dragonhide

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Green dragonhide
Release date 1 December 2003 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? Yes
Equipable? No
Stacks? No
High Alch 12 coins
Low Alch 8 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine The scaly rough hide from a green dragon.
Weight 3.1 kg
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A detailed image of some green dragonhide.
A detailed image of some green dragonhide.

Green dragonhide is a 100% drop from green dragons and Brutal Green Dragons, which drop two hides. The hide can be tanned to become green dragonleather by paying a tanner, or casting the Lunar spell Make Leather. A tanner will charge 20 coins for each hide, or 45 in Canifis. Once tanned, this item can be crafted into green dragonhide armour using a needle and thread. The Corporeal Beast and Nex may drop noted green dragonhide. It's possible to get green dragonhides in quantities of 10 from the 'gamble' option in the Soul Wars activity.

Dropping monsters

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Green dragon 79 1 1Always
Brutal green dragon 227 2 1Always
Corporeal Beast 785 100 (noted) 2Common
Nex 1001 400 (noted) 2Common

nl:Green dragonhide fi:Green dragonhide