Neem drupe

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Neem drupe
Release date 28 November 2011 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? No
Equipable? No
Stacks? Yes
High Alch 0 coins
Low Alch 0 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine A natural fungicide can be squeezed out of this fruit.
Weight 0.0kg kg
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A neem drupe vine bearing six drupes.

The Neem drupe is dropped from monsters and can be picked from vines in the Polypore Dungeon. Each vine holds six drupes, which grow back after being picked at a speed of about five seconds per drupe. Drupes can be squished into Neem oil into a Jug, which in turn can be used to harm the monsters of the dungeon.

The amount of neem drupes on the vines are independent for each player. Even if a player picks all drupes from a vine, all six would still be available to another player. Picking neem drupes from vines are not automatic; the player must manually click six times to pick all drupes from a fully laden vine.

When picking neem drupes with a pestle and mortar in inventory or toolkit and a jug of neem oil in inventory, the drupe will automatically squish into oil. You could obtain neem oil this way even if your inventory is full. However, a jug can only hold a maximum of 2,000 doses of neem oil. After this point, any neem drupes picked up will go into your inventory.

One neem drupe vine is located on the north side of the platform that you enter the Polypore Dungeon at. If you don't have one, a jug can be bought (1 coin) from the merchant located on the south side of the same platform.

Dropping monsters

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Fungal rodent 9 1–2 1Always
Infested axe 41 1 1Always
Fungal mage 120 1–3 1Always
Ganodermic runt 140 1–3 1Always
Grifolaroo 180 1–3 1Always
Grifolapine 200 1–3 1Always
Ganodermic beast 280 2–4 1Always


  • Neem drupes look like clusters of small yellow spheres or grapes while on the vine, but when picked a neem drupe becomes one larger yellow sphere.