Money making guide/Tanning green dragonhide

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Tanning green dragonhide
  523,600 per hour
Skill requirements
52 recommended
Item requirements
Weight-reducing clothing

1,000,000+ coins recommended

Quest requirements
Other requirements
Experience gained
2,800 x Green dragonhide (4,880,400)
56,000 coins
2,800 x Green dragon leather (5,460,000)
Al-Kharid recommended
Green dragon leather is used to train Crafting, and it is always in high demand. Because green dragonhide must be tanned into leather before it can be crafted, tanning the hides in bulk can be highly profitable.

Because the price difference between hides and leather can be fairly small, it is important to buy the hides for a low price and sell the leather for a high price; you can lose out on up to 50% of the profit if you are not patient. Test the profit by buying one green dragonhide and one green dragon leather. If the difference between the two is less than 200, it may be worth it to switch to blue, red or black dragonhide.

File:Tanning dragonhide map.png

To create green dragon leather, green dragonhide must be taken to a tanner. Ellis, in Al-Kharid, is the quickest tanner, and there are no requirements to use him. Withdraw 28 green dragonhides from the bank south of the tanner and 20 coins in your money pouch for each hide you want to tan. Run north into Ellis's building and right-click tan hides. Tan them all, and run back to the bank. Each run takes about 25 seconds while running, and 45 seconds while walking. This averages out to about 2,800 hides tanned per hour.

If you have 52 Summoning, you can use the Spirit terrorbird's Tireless run special ability to continually restore your run energy so you never have to walk. This requires a Spirit terrorbird pouch and approximately 100 Tireless run scrolls per hour. These costs are negligible, but it reduces the number of hides tanned per inventory by one. Without resorting to walking, you can tan up to 3,600 hides per hour, for an hourly profit of   673,200.

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