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Gravestones are generated when a player dies via any means except in the wilderness, safe activities (whereby no items are lost, hence rendering a gravestone useless) or at the corporeal beast. Players must also have dropped at least one item upon death in order to receive a gravestone. All of the player's items are kept safe under the gravestone until it is destroyed. This can occur either due to the gravestone's timer expiring or demolition by the player. Some items cannot be recovered from a gravestone, such as those listed here. If a gravestone collapses fully before a player retrieves his or her items, the items will become visible and can be picked up by anyone.

Without repairs or blessing, a gravestone will collapse after a certain period of time, depending on the type of gravestone purchased. One minute before collapse a gravestone will become broken, and 30 seconds prior to collapse it will become a collapsing gravestone. Although a gravestone will remain intact if the player logs out or loses connection, the timer will continue to count down and the gravestone will collapse at its regular time. Gravestones can last from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the type purchased. The time remaining before the collapse of a player's gravestone will be displayed on their screen if they have a gravestone active. Once a type of gravestone has been selected and/or purchased, the player will continue to use that type of gravestone until they choose to change it. 60 seconds after a gravestone collapses on its own (without blessing, repair, or demolition) the items not picked up by the player disappear. Once a gravestone has expired any items that have yet to be retrieved can be seen and picked up by other players. When items appear to other players under the same conditions is currently untested.

A player's gravestone is only present in one world. This means that if the game crashes or your internet is down while you try to return to your gravestone, you must return to the world you died in to retrieve your items. If undertaking a dangerous activity it is helpful to know which world you are logged into.

Multiple Deaths

If one is to die a second time before the items from their previous grave are retrieved, the rules are as follows:

  • The 1st gravestone disapears
  • The VISUAL timer of the the 1st grave disapears and is replaced with the new grave's timer
  • The arrow pointing to your grave will only point to the most recent grave
  • The items of the 1st grave WILL remain protected as if the timer is still counting down, even if the 2nd grave disapears/colapses/is demolished before the 1st grave's timer runs out
    • This is only posible if someone blesses/repairs the 1st grave and not the 2nd or if the player buys a shorter-lasting grave before dying the second time


Gravestones have a number of options when right clicked. These options are Read, Repair, Bless and Demolish.

  • Read: Reveals the name of the player who died and, in some cases, how long ago. If a player reads their own gravestone, there will be a different message, stating "It looks like it'll survive another X minutes. Isn't there something a bit odd about reading your own gravestone?". If when reading a gravestone the message "The inscription is too unclear to read." is displayed, the player who owns the gravestone has already retrieved their items and no items will appear when the gravestone collapses. This message is also displayed if the player has logged out.
  • Repair: Allows a player to extend the longevity of the gravestone by up to five minutes. There is no known limit to the number of times one gravestone can be repaired, so if nearby players really wanted to they could extend the time of a gravestone indefinitely.
  • Bless: Allows a player with a prayer level of 70+ to extend the longevity of the gravestone by one hour after the gravestone had been set up. Attempting to bless your own gravestone will yield the message "The gods don't seem to approve of people attempting to bless their own gravestones." Blessing is one of the few things free players can do after level 45 Prayer.
  • Demolish: A player can demolish their gravestone to more easily collect the items they dropped on death. When they do so, they will receive a message saying "It looks like it'll survive another X minutes. You demolish it anyway." If a player attempts to demolish another player's gravestone, they will receive the message "It would be impolite to demolish someone else's gravestone."

Types of gravestones

Players can choose a number of different gravestones for use by their character. In addition to having different appearances, some will also last longer before collapsing. Also, when upgrading gravestones, it's not a one time thing that you need to keep paying for. You'll keep getting the upgraded one no matter how many times you die.

Available to all players

These gravestones can be purchased by donating to Father Aereck in the Lumbridge church. You must complete The Restless Ghost in order to purchase gravestones.

Image Gravestone name Cost Duration Text
Memorial plaque Default (Free to switch to) 5 Minutes In memory of Player name,
who died here.
Flag 50 Coins 6 Minutes In memory of Player name,
who died here.
Small gravestone 500 Coins 6 Minutes In loving memory of our dear friend Player name, who died in this place X minutes ago.
Ornate gravestone 5,000 Coins 8 Minutes In loving memory of our dear friend Player name, who died in this place X minutes ago.

Available to Members

The following gravestones can be used by members who have completed the The Giant Dwarf quest as well as any of the specific prerequisites listed next to each gravestone type. The gravestones can be bought from Blasidar the sculptor in East Keldagrim.

Image Gravestone name Cost Duration Prerequisite Text
Font of Life 50,000 coins 10 Minutes The Giant Dwarf Quest In your travels, pause awhile to remember Player name,
who passed away at this spot.
Stele 50,000 coins 10 Minutes The Giant Dwarf Quest In your travels, pause awhile to remember Player name,
who passed away at this spot.
Symbol of Saradomin 50,000 coins 10 Minutes The Giant Dwarf Quest Player name,
an enlightened servant of Saradomin,
perished in this place.
Symbol of Zamorak 50,000 coins 10 Minutes The Giant Dwarf Quest Player name,
a most bloodthirsty follower of Zamorak,
perished in this place.
Symbol of Guthix 50,000 coins 10 Minutes The Giant Dwarf Quest Player name,
who walked with the Balance of Guthix,
perished in this place.
Symbol of Bandos 50,000 coins 10 Minutes Land of the Goblins Quest Player name,
a vicious warrior dedicated to Bandos,
perished in this place.
Symbol of Armadyl 50,000 coins 10 Minutes Temple of Ikov Quest Player name,
a follower of the Law of Armadyl,
perished in this place.
Zaros /Ancient Symbol 50,000 coins 10 Minutes Desert Treasure Quest Player name,
servant of the Unknown Power,
perished in this place.
Angel of Death 500,000 coins 12 Minutes The Giant Dwarf Quest Ye frail mortals who gaze upon this sight, forget not
the fate of Player name, once mighty, now
surrendered to the inescapable grasp of destiny.
Requiescat in pace.
Royal dwarven gravestone 500,000 coins 15 Minutes King of the Dwarves Quest Here lies Player name, friend of dwarves. Great in life, glorious in death. His/Her name lives on in song and story.

Note: Even though members gravestones are not available through purchase on free worlds, they still appear on death when in free world as a member and non-member.


A player dying and leaving behind their gravestone. (Click to animate)


  • "Requiescat in pace" is Latin for "rest in peace."
  • Demolition of the gravestone causes items underneath to appear for as long as your grave was blessed for before disappearance, and natural destruction removes the items immediately. Therefore, it may be a good idea to pick up items while the gravestone is still standing, and pick up the most valuable items if a gravestone is about to collapse.
File:Jagex grave text.png
Mod Mark's gravestone.
  • With the 1 February 2011 update, most gravestones had their time doubled or more. Before this update, the default gravestone lasted 3 minutes.
  • The sound played when blessing a gravestone is the same as that of Yt-MejKot and Yt-HurKot healing.
  • If you try to drop an item on the square where your gravestone is placed, a message will appear on the chatbox : "Surely you aren't going to drop litter on your own grave!"
  • If you read your own gravestone the following appears on your chatbox: "Isn't there something odd about reading your own gravestone?"
  • Due a new update will the items not longer drop on the floor.
