The Knight's Sword
File:The Knight's Sword.jpg | |
Release date | 6 April 2001 (Update) |
Members only? | No |
Quest series | None |
Official difficulty | Intermediate |
Official length | Medium |
Developer | Paul Gower |
Official description
“ | Sir Vyvin's squire is in trouble. He has accidentally lost Sir Vyvin's ceremonial sword.
Help him find a replacement without Sir Vyvin finding out. |
” |
Development Team
- Developer: Paul Gower
- Conversion: James B
- QuestHelp: Nishal K
- Audio: Ian T
Start point: | ![]() |
Members only: | No |
Official difficulty: | ![]() |
Description: | None |
Length: | Medium |
Requirements: |
Items required: |
Enemies to defeat: | None |

They Lay Low, Scattered

On the terrace of Falador Castle, you can find Squire Asrol, who tells you that he has lost the sword that belonged to his master, Sir Vyvin. When you suggest that you could make another one, the squire informs you that the sword was Sir Vyvin's inheritance and it was specially made by the Imcando Dwarves long ago. He wants you to help him by tracking down the Imcando dwarves and convincing them to forge a new sword. Before parting, the squire suggests you talk to Reldo, Varrock's librarian, for more information on the dwarves.
If you've already finished the quest, "The Giant Dwarf", you can skip the next step and move directly to the next section.
Go to the northern section of the Varrock Castle, into the city library, to find Reldo. After some chat, Reldo reveals that the Imcando dwarves were tragically wiped out by various Barbarian invasions on the Ice Mountain. Although, some of them have indeed managed to escape and were last seen on the southern peninsula of Asgarnia, but they "DO tend to keep to themselves".
Blurite, Right?
Continue onto Asgarnia and head south. An Imcando dwarf lives near the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon, south of Port Sarim.

You should see a small house on the side of a hill with an anvil logo. Look for Thurgo, the Imcando dwarf, and ask him if he would like some redberry pie, an offer he can't refuse. Talk to him again, and ask him about the sword. He says he is willing to make a new sword, but he needs a picture to make an exact copy.
Go back to Falador and talk to the squire again. He tells you that Sir Vyvin has a portrait of his father, along with their ancestral sword, in his room. Go to the 2nd floor[help] of the castle and find Sir Vyvin - his room can only be accessed from the first floor, up the staircase in the middle of the castle - in the room with the altar. Look for a cupboard nearby and search it. You will obtain a portrait that shows the sword.
Sir Vyvin will stop you if he catches you "borrowing" his portrait, for obvious reasons. To prevent this, just make sure that he isn't present in the room while you are picking up the portrait.
Once you have the portrait, go back to Thurgo.
Picturesque Finish
Talk to Thurgo and give him the portrait. He will tell you that the hilt of the sword he is going to make, is made up of blurite. Blurite is a rare metal which isn't known for making actual weapons, but he requires it to decorate the hilt exactly as it is. Along with the blurite, he also requires 2 iron bars to construct the entire sword.
File:Asgarnian Ice Dungeon map.png |
Click to view a larger version (opens on a new tab/page). |
You will have to enter the dungeon on the nearby hill to obtain the blurite ore, with your trusty pickaxe, of course. All enemies in the cave are aggressive, so bringing food and armour is a good idea. When you see snow ahead of you, be prepared to run along the walls to find the blurite rocks, which are themselves snow-white in colour. Mine 1-2 ores depending on whether or not you wish to create a sword for yourself. When you have the blurite, run out back to Thurgo.
It may be helpful to have a high-level friend to protect you from the aggressive monsters. Go to the nearest blurite deposit within the dungeon. It's all about timing; and placement. If you've positioned yourself correctly, you should be safe from the Ice Warriors. If you haven't, it is suggested that you bring low-healing foods (such as sardine, trout, or herring).
With the blurite ore(s) and iron bars, talk to Thurgo, who proceeds to make you a sword. You can use the drop trick to obtain multiple swords; just make sure you have the required items for more copies.
Finally, with the look-alike, go back to the squire and present him with the sword.
Congratulations! Quest complete!
- 1 Quest Point.
- 12,725
- The ability for members to smith blurite bars.
- 2 extra spins on the Squeal of Fortune
Required for completing
Completion of The Knight's Sword is required for the following:
- Defender of Varrock
- Falador Tasks:
- Medium: "Do They Come in Other Colours?"
- Distracting Sir Vyvin is a direct reference to Kryten from the British comedy Red Dwarf. While trying to distract the Inquisitor, Kryten says "Could I possibly just distract you for a minute?"
- When the quest was first released, it was just called "Sword Quest".
- Thurgo contradicts himself: When asked directly if he's an Imcando dwarf, he becomes guarded; however when you talk to him about his Skillcape of Smithing, he readily admits to his Imcando origins.
- After completing the quest, if you talk to Juna, your character will say, "...So that was how I found the Imcando Dwarves and got the Knight a new sword."
- After getting the blurite sword, Thurgo says "Just remember to bring in more redberry pies next time!". If you try to give one, the text message shows "Nothing interesting happens".
- The Knight's Sword is the only free-to-play intermediate quest in RuneScape.
- After the quest, when you meet Sir Owen in Varrock Palace, he will say: "Your replica of Sir Vyvin's sword fooled everyone! Oh, don't worry how I found out. I have my sources, but your secret is safe with me."
- This quest can make a level 1 smither jump 28 smithing levels and go straight to level 29
Novice |
Black Knights' Fortress • The Blood Pact • Cook's Assistant • Demon Slayer • Ernest the Chicken • Goblin Diplomacy • Gunnar's Ground • Imp Catcher • Myths of the White Lands • Pirate's Treasure • The Restless Ghost • Rune Mysteries • Shield of Arrav • Stolen Hearts • Swept Away • Vampyre Slayer • What's Mine is Yours |
Intermediate | |
Experienced | |
Removed quests |
Learning the Ropes • Prince Ali Rescue • Romeo & Juliet • Sheep Shearer • Unstable Foundations • Witch's Potion • Doric's Quest |
Italics denote that the removed quest was later made into a miniquest. |
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