Ice cooler

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Ice cooler
Release date 24 October 2005 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? No
Equipable? No
Stacks? Yes
High Alch 0 coins
Low Alch 0 coins
Value 1 coin
Destroy Drop
Store price 1 coin
(Slayer Masters)
Examine Contains ice-cold water.
Weight 0 kg
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An Ice cooler is a Slayer item used to kill Desert Lizards once their health has been reduced. The player must use the ice cooler on the lizard when it has 10-20 Life Points left, or the ice cooler will be wasted. Noting this possibility of failure, players are advised to bring at least 10 more ice coolers for the sake of prepardeness.

Ice coolers can be bought from any Slayer master.

Do note that ice coolers are of one-time use. Using one will consume it, whether it kills the Desert Lizard or not.

Template:Slayerequip nl:Ice cooler fi:Ice cooler