Green dye

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Green dye
Release date 8 December 2001 (Update)
Members? No
Quest item? No
Tradeable? Yes
Equipable? No
Stacks? No
High Alch 3 coins
Low Alch 2 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price 6 coins
Examine A little bottle of green dye.
Weight 0 kg
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A detailed image of a bottle of green dye.
A detailed image of a bottle of green dye.

Green dye is a dye made by combining blue dye and yellow dye, which can both be made from Aggie, the dye maker in Draynor. Members can also use it to make a green balloon after the Enlightened Journey quest by using the dye on an origami balloon. When used with a cape the cape becomes a green cape and gives 2.5 crafting experience.

fi:Green dye