Evil Dave

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Evil Dave
File:Evil Dave.png
Release date 14 November 2005 (Update)
Also known as Evil Mastermind, SULTAN OF ALL THAT IS EVIL, RuneScape's ULTIMATE VILLAIN, Little David, Davey
Race Human
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? Shadow of the Storm, Recipe for Disaster
Location Edgeville, Ruins of Uzer, Lumbridge dining hall
Sells items? No
Gender Male
Examine He seems to like wearing black.
Notable features Basement-dwelling, dark mage wannabe.
He's under the stairs
Daves Chat head
Daves Chat head

Evil Dave is an aspiring "Evil-Doer" who lives in the basement of his mother's house in Edgeville and reads EVIL-DOERS MONTHLY. He appears in Shadow of the Storm as a member of an evil cult trying to resurrect the ancient demon, Agrith Naar. During this quest, he is in the basement of the temple ruins in Uzer. He's also a self proclaimed "Evil Mastermind", "SULTAN OF ALL THAT IS EVIL" and "RuneScape's ULTIMATE VILLAIN" with his "MIND-IMPLODING MALEVOLENCE". His proof for being evil is that a friend of his friend has once killed a man and thus is extremely dangerous, should someone mess with Dave.

He is also a subquest in Recipe for Disaster, in which you must free him by feeding him spicy stew (Or "EVIL STEW OF DOOM!" as he calls it) that you have to make, by getting your cat to catch hell-rats ("FOUR-LEGGED DEMONRATS") that drop certain spices that you must add to the stew. Later he lives in his Mother, Doris's, basement in Edgeville. It is possible to contact Evil Dave by using the spell NPC contact after the Dream Mentor quest. At this time, however, he does not say anything important.

It was revealed that he came to be part of the Lumbridge Secret Council because it was decided that an evil wizard should be included, but it had to be one that was harmless (for the sake of everyone). Currently, Evil Dave is the only one who has those requirements.

Despite, claiming to be "EVIL", he's actually a great guy. He can't stand violence (which makes him faint), or vandalism, such as someone filling in a crossword for him, which he views as "extreme vandalism". The whole town of Edgeville thinks very dearly of him and hopes the EVIL thing is just a phase. Some of his activities are chatting with his good friend Oziach about adventures, and conspiracy theories such as giant black knights and "dragon dragons", and helping Oziach with house repairs.

Dave was once arrested for his evil-doings, much to his delight, but not even the arresting officer thought he was evil or could ever harm anyone. When he was arrested, he became very excited and confessed momentarily. The only evidence that was found were his fluffieduffies. In his cell, they became friends, exchanged stew recipes and they threw a stew party for the night shift. If the player chooses to defend, Dave will be very upset for being cleared, since that means he is not acknowledged of being TOTALLY EVIL.

Hello dearie!

Oh, you know what boys are like about their evil dungeons! If I even poke my head round the portcullis he screams at me for popping his "BUBBLE OF SELF" and how "every man needs a CAVE OF CLOWN-FILLED NIGHTMARES to retreat into".
What you have to realise, Kaxo, is just how fragile little Davey is, and how the world can be a terrible, cruel place. I fear it just wouldn't understand him: Fluffy Pants Fridays for example, and the way he writes in caps, as if he's shouting.
So, I'm going to wait until he emerges from his dungeon, wide-eyed like a young faun, and takes some tentative steps into the world. Only he will know when that time is, and I'm sure it's not too far away. That's not to say that I haven't helped him along occasionally: leaving little notes, mostly - all in caps - with tempting things like 'EVIL PARADE NEEDS FLOAT DESIGNERS' written on them. He hasn't bitten yet, but I'm hopeful.


— Dave's mum on him


  • Evil Dave uses the word "Evil" in place of "cool". This is found out in Shadow of the Storm, when the player insinuates that using "evil" in a positive sense diminishes the true meaning of the word.
  • Talking to Evil Dave while wearing clothing that is "Evil" will get the comment "Hey, you're looking evil!" Talking to Evil Dave while wearing clothing that is "Evil" and while having a Hell-Cat out will get the comment "Hey, you're looking evil, and so's your cat!" Talking to Evil Dave while wearing a lot of articles of clothing that are "Evil" and having a Hell-Cat out will get the comment "That outfit is TOTALLY EVIL! And you've got an evil cat too! To be honest, I'm a little bit scared of you!"
  • If you speak to Evil Dave in his basement he will say that he will raise an ARMY OF THE UNDEAD that will take over the world.
  • When contacted by NPC Contact (using the Random command) the player tells Evil Dave to "Build me an army worthy of Zamorak!" This as a reference to the movie-adaptation of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, when Sauron orders Saruman to "Build me an army worthy of Mordor!" through one of the seven Palantir (seeing globes). He also mentions that he plans to raise an army of evil UNDEAD CHAOS ZOMBIE DEMON ASSASSINS OF DARKNESS "as soon as he gets this summoning thing to work".
  • When Evil Dave is frozen during Recipe for Disaster, he appears to be doing a speed vault over his chair.
  • On the world map, Dave's basement is called 'Dave's Basement of Doom.'
  • While in Evil Dave's 'Basement of Doom', random 'evil' sounding music tracks play, such as 'route of all evil' unlocked in the Chaos Tunnels. This may be a connection to his whole 'evil' thing.
  • He apparently wears fluffy pants, which he calls, "his fluffiedduffies" to celebrate Fluffy Pants Fridays, though when asked about them, he claims not to have seen them and that someone is framing him through a "HIDEOUS PANTS-BASED CONSPIRACY".
  • He's had a history of having imaginary friends, with a possibility his "Uncle Nigel" is one.
  • The name of the treehouse Dave built during the summer of his childhood changes between the "TOWER OF DOOM" and the "INSANOTOWER".
  • Dave owns a SPANIEL OF UNIMAGINABLE HORROR with whom he went revenant herding in the Wilderness, but lost three years ago. He warns not to look into her eyes, for they can turn one inside out and back, not to say her name, for one's tongue will fall out, and asks, when one finds her, to put her in a CRATE OF STORAGE and bring her back to him, for he misses his Jasmine dearly.
  • Dave can't lie, claiming that he gets itches and rashes when he tries to.

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