Drunken Dwarf v. The People

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Overview: The Drunken dwarf is accused of accosting Botros and throwing rocks at him.
Release date: 9 June 2010
Parties involved:
Length: Short
Items used: none
Experience: 5,000 Attack or Defence
Reward: 20 gold ore, kebab



Botros talking like a typical player would in-game.

To successfully prosecute the drunken dwarf, follow these steps before entering the courtroom:

  • Read through the three case reports.
  • Analyse the fingerprints. Select and confirm a match with the dwarf's print.

Then go into the courtroom below. Follow these steps:

  • Present the fingerprint as evidence. This will only be successful if the print was identified.
  • Present the beer glass as evidence. Say "The beer glass was found on the dwarf at the time of arrest."
  • Call the victim to the stand. Ask him about the "Attack."
  • Direct the closing statement at the young woman.


To successfully defend the drunken dwarf, follow these steps before entering the courtroom:

  • Read through the three case reports.
  • Analyse the fingerprints. Select and confirm a match with the dwarf's print.

Then go into the courtroom below. Follow these steps:

  • Present the beer glass as evidence. Say "Glasses like this are commonly found in pubs."
  • Present the fingerprint as evidence. This will only be successful if the print was identified.
  • Present the kebab as evidence. Say "The dwarf likes to hand out kebabs."
  • Call the victim to the stand. Ask him "Can you tell us about your skilling habits?"
  • Call the kebab seller to the stand. Ask him "Have you seen the Drunken Dwarf attack anyone?"
  • Direct the closing statement at the miner or young man.