Clan jobs

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Clan Jobs were introduced on the 12 April 2011 with the Clan Community update. They are titles that clan members can have, but provide only organizational benefits (apart from the avatar warden job). They can be changed by players ranked admin or above in the clan settings interface, and are currently only visible from this interface. Excluding the avatar warden, the clan jobs don't give any benefits.

They are as follows:

  • Administrator
  • Adventurer
  • Advisor
  • Ambassador
  • Ancienter
  • Archchancellor
  • Assassin
  • Assistant
  • Assistant Secretary
  • Auditor
  • Avatar Warden
  • Builder
  • Bishop
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Council
  • Councillor
  • Courier
  • Diplomat
  • Disciplinary
  • Druid
  • Duke
  • Dutchess
  • Elder
  • Elite Clanmate
  • Elite Guard
  • Emperor
  • Empress
  • Event Leader
  • Event Organiser
  • Events Leader
  • Expert
  • Firemaker
  • Fisher
  • Forester
  • Formal Mediator
  • Forum Bumper
  • Forum Leader
  • Founder
  • Fresh Meat
  • Guide
  • Head Priest
  • Head Priestess
  • Head Seer
  • Hero
  • Heroine
  • High Council
  • High Priest
  • Honorary Clanmate
  • Honour Knight
  • Hunter
  • Inactive Clanmate
  • Inquisitor
  • King
  • Knight
  • Lady
  • Legend
  • Legendary Member
  • Lord
  • Low Council
  • Mage
  • Mayor
  • Mayoress
  • Melee Leader
  • Member of the Month
  • Mentor
  • Miller
  • Miner
  • Minigame Leader
  • Missionary
  • Monk
  • New Clanmate
  • New Clanmate Mentor
  • Newbie
  • Ninja
  • On Vacation
  • Paladin
  • President
  • Priest
  • Priestess
  • Prime Minister
  • Prince
  • Princess
  • PvM Leader
  • PvP Leader
  • Queen
  • Range Leader
  • Ranger
  • Recruiter
  • Recruiting Leader
  • Retired
  • Retired Leader
  • Rookie
  • Royal Knight
  • Runecrafter
  • Scapegoat
  • Scout
  • Scryer
  • Secretary
  • Seer
  • Skill Master
  • Skiller
  • Skilling Leader
  • Slayer
  • Smith
  • Soldier
  • Squire
  • Subgroup Leader
  • Summoner
  • Tank
  • Thief
  • Thug
  • Trainee
  • Treasurer
  • Troll
  • Vampire Hunter
  • Veteran Member
  • War Caller
  • Warlord
  • Warmonger
  • Warrior
  • Witchfinder
  • Wizard
  • Woodcutter
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