Calculator:Wicked hood withdrawing

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This page calculates the profits from withdrawing runes from the wicked hood. Either 100 F2P-craftable runes or 5 runes of other types can be withdrawn at once. Runes can be withdrawn once per day, or twice if an elemental talisman has been added to the hood. You can remove runes even more per day if you have pieces of the Wicked robes. The outside ring runes will withdraw 5 runes, while the 6 inside runes will withdraw 100.

Note: Soul runes are included in this calculator because they are shown in the hood's interface. However, they are not yet craftable and currently cannot be obtained via the hood.

Icon Rune Quantity Total value
Fire Rune Fire rune 100   1,400
Water Rune Water rune 100   700
Air Rune Air rune 100   800
Earth Rune Earth rune 100   600
Mind Rune Mind rune 100   400
Body Rune Body rune 100   500
Chaos Rune Chaos rune 5   430
Death Rune Death rune 5   925
Cosmic Rune Cosmic rune 5   550
Law Rune Law rune 5   745
Nature Rune Nature rune 5 Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
Astral Rune Astral rune 5   440
Blood Rune Blood rune 5   975
Soul Rune Soul rune 5   1,590