File:Biohazard.png | |
Release date | 23 October 2002 (Update) |
Members only? | Yes |
Quest series | Plague |
Official difficulty | Novice |
Official length | Long |
Developer | Tom W |
Biohazard continues the storyline after the Plague City quest. The plot deepens as Elena finally gets a chance to process her plague samples. Buried under these samples, lies a well-hidden secret.
Official description
“ | This is the second part of an ongoing adventure. Help Elena discover the truth about the infamous Ardougne plague.
Smuggle test samples across Ardougne to Elena's old mentor. |
” |
Development team
- Developer: Tom W
- Graphics: Graham B
- Quality Assurance: Chris E, Martin I
- Quest Help: Lucy B
- Audio: Ian T
Start point: | ![]() | |
Members only: | Yes | |
Official difficulty: | ![]() | |
Description: | Now that Elena has been rescued, it's time to get to the bottom of this plague. Can you help her find out just what this mystery illness is? | |
Length: | Long | |
Requirements: |
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Items required: |
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Enemies to defeat: | Level 13 Mourner |

To start the quest, the player must talk to Elena in East Ardougne, in the house north-east of the pub. She will tell the player that she was able to collect some good samples of the plague, but unfortunately the Mourners took all of her equipment, which included a distillator, and have kept it at their headquarters.
She now needs someone to sneak back into the city and try to find it for her. Since the sewer tunnel used in the previous quest has been sealed off from the other side, she suggests you talk to her father's friend, Jerico, who keeps communication through West Ardougne via his pigeons.
Sneaking Back
Jerico lives in a house just south of the northern bank in Ardougne and just north of the chapel. He will tell you that he has arranged for Omart to help create a rope ladder to get over the wall between the cities.
Omart can be found west of Ceril Carnillean's house in East Ardougne, just south of the castle. When you talk to him, he says that although he can move you over the wall, it is too risky as the watchtower guards are too close to the wall. The guards need to be distracted so that you can find an opportunity to enter the city. He will tell you to talk to Jerico.
Return to Jerico and talk to him, then search the cupboard nearby to find some bird feed and grab a pigeon cage from the backyard.

Now head to the watchtower, directly north of Omart. Stand in the corner where the two spiked fences meet and use the bird feed on the watchtower fence. Once the feed is in place, open the pigeon cage to release the pigeons. They'll immediately fly into the tower to eat the feed, distracting the guards.
While the guards are distracted, go back south and talk to Omart, who will call out to his assistant, Kilron, to throw over the rope ladder. Climb over the ladder into West Ardougne.

Head to the Mourners' Headquarters located in the north-eastern edge of the city. Try to enter, but you will not be allowed in by the mourners. Go around the headquarters to the northern part, where you can see a cauldron being cooked in the backyard. Pick up the rotten apple laying on the floor, and squeeze through a gap in the fence into the backyard.
Use the rotten apple on the stew that is brewing in the cauldron. Squeeze back through the fence and walk around to the front of the building, and attempt to go inside again. One of the mourners will tell you that the player is not permitted inside because several mourners are ill with food poisoning, and are waiting for a doctor.
Head to Nurse Sarah's house - the large building south-west of the West Ardougne church. Search the box in her house to obtain a doctor's gown. Players may obtain two by using the drop trick.
Equip the gown and go back to the headquarters. The professional attire will easily fool the mourners into letting you into their base. For all subsequent visits to the headquarters during the quest, the gown must be worn at all times.
Go upstairs and kill a mourner, while still wearing the doctor's gown. A key will automatically be placed in the player's inventory. Use the key on the gate to get inside the caged room. Search the crates to find Elena's distillator.
Exit the headquarters and head back to Kilron at the south-east corner of West Ardougne. He will help the player get back over into East Ardougne. Alternatively, players can head through the sewers as they are no longer blocked. Go to Elena and give her the distillator.
Haven't Given Up
Elena will extract a sample of the plague, but the results of her test are strange. In order to get refined results, she needs more help. Elena will tell you to meet with her guide, Guidor, in Varrock with the plague sample along with some liquid honey, sulphuric broline, ethenea and some touch paper from the chemist in Rimmington.
If any of the samples break, players can get them replaced by talking to Elena. It might be wise to use the drop trick to get a second set from Elena. The extra set can be banked, preventing the need for a trip back to Ardougne in case of an accident.
The plague sample is extremely fragile. Use of any of the following will cause the sample to break:
- Any combat
- Teleport spells (Including the lodestone network)
- Teleport tablets
- Teleportation jewellery (Amulet of glory, Ring of dueling)
- Spirit trees
- Skull sceptre teleport
- Cabbage port
- Clan vexillum teleport
- Fairy Rings
Use of any of the following will not cause the sample to break:
- Charter ships
- Failing agility shortcuts
- Balloon transport system
- Canoes
- Keldagrim carts
Some of the methods that can be used to transport the materials are:
- Bank your items in Ardougne, using a clan vexillum to teleport to the clan camp, use your citadel's bank (If the tier is high enough), and then just walk south to Rimmington.
- Bank everything in Ardougne. Use the Lodestone Network to teleport to Draynor Village, walk to the bank and pick up the vials.
- Another easy method to accomplish this step is to walk/run to East Ardougne docks and take the boat to Brimhaven (30 coins, or if you have earned your Karamja Gloves - 15 coins); on the same dock you arrive at there is a charter service. Take the charter service boat (at a charge of 1,600 coins) to Port Sarim, east of Rimmington.
While talking to the chemist, do NOT mention the plague sample or else he will take it away, and you'd have to start all over again.
Take the samples to the chemist in the western-most building in Rimmington. Tell him that you are Elena's friend and that she needs some touch paper for Guidor. On hearing her name, the chemist hands you over some touch paper, no questions asked.
Ask the chemist if he has any ideas on how to get the samples past the guards in Varrock. He will suggest giving a vial to each of his three helpers: Chancy, Da Vinci, and Hops. They are located right outside the chemist's house crowding around a fire.
Make sure to give the bottles to the right people or you will have to go back to Elena. Give Chancy the liquid honey, Da Vinci the ethenea, sulphuric broline to Hops. Once you have given the vials, they will tell you to meet at the Dancing Donkey Inn in Varrock.
Helper | Sample Vial | Reason | |
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Chancy | ![]() |
Owing to its low value, Chancy cannot wager the liquid honey in a gamble. |
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Da Vinci | ![]() |
Da Vinci cannot use the Ethenea to create a "work of art". |
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Hops | ![]() |
Hops will not drink it because of its poisonous nature. |
So Far, So Good
The samples and paper need to be taken to Elena's mentor, Guidor, in Varrock.
Once again, DO NOT teleport to Varrock by any method possible, as the Plague Sample will break and you will have to get a new one. Though you can again bank the items and teleport, take the items from the bank and then proceed through the rest of the quest.
Also, if you happen to give one the helpers the wrong sample and wish to save the extra trip required to fix your error, you may drop the samples outside the gate before speaking to the guard, enter, and telegrab them from the other side.
Before you head there, buy both parts of the Priest gown from Thessalia's Fine Clothes located on the west side of Varrock Square for a total of 10 coins, if you haven't already.
Next, go to the south-east part of Varrock where one guard stands in front of a gate. Try to use the gate. The guard will search the player, but he won't find any conclusive. Use the gate again, and the player will be allowed to pass. Head to the Dancing Donkey Inn (marked with a on the minimap) and talk to the chemist's assistants to get the vials back. Your inventory MUST have space for the three vials. Having a full inventory will require you to obtain a new set from Elena.

Head to Guidor's house in the south-east corner of the gated area. When attempting to enter, Guidor's wife will say that she is waiting for a priest to come and bless Guidor. Equip your priest gown and she will let you in. Talk to Guidor, who says that his wife has kept him under house arrest because of the rumour about the 'plague-carrier'. Give him the vials and sample and tell him that Elena has sent a sample that needs to be processed. After analysing it, he will come to a surprising conclusion. He tells you that the plague is just a lie and the real question is why.
Return to Ardougne and talk to Elena. When you tell her that Guidor found nothing in his results, she suggests that this must be a hoax and that you should speak to the person on top of this - King Lathas. The king is located in his bedroom on the 1st floor[help] floor of the Ardougne castle, just south of Elena's house.
When told that the plague is in fact a hoax, the king replies that he did it for the best of his people, and that it protects them from a "far greater danger". He then tells the player about the journey of King Tyras - the King of West Ardougne and King Lathas's brother - towards the west and that he has been corrupted by drinking from the Chalice of Eternity. Hence, the wall has been erected between the cities to protect East Ardougne and in turn, all of Runescape.

- 3 Quest points
- 1,250
- Use of the Combat Training Camp north of the city.
- Ability to travel freely through the West Ardougne Gate.
- 2 extra spins on the Squeal of Fortune
Required for completing
Cultural references
- Da Vinci is a reference to the famous multi-talented Italian, Leonardo Da Vinci.
- One thing that lends credence to the fact that the plague is fake is that an adventurer can talk to or fight any citizen of West Ardougne, without a gas mask, while not receiving any damage whatsoever from disease.
- The tunnel to West Ardougne can be used to leave the city, but the game states it is closed when trying to go back in.
- Guidor's wife, even when the player is a female, will still refer to them as "Father".
- Upon completion of the quest, the player's Adventurer's Log reads "With the help of the chemist, some couriers and Guidor, Elena and I found out the plague in West Ardougne was a lie!"
- When talking with the chemist's assistants, players can say that it is always sunny in RuneScape. This is a reference to RuneScape having no other weather.
- Before Underground Pass was released, the player was given a Lathas' amulet which had a green centre gem. When the quest was released, the gem turned red.
- When talking to Guidor, he refers to "God", even though there is no "God" in RuneScape.
Template:Plague Series fi:Biohazard nl:Biohazard es:Biohazard