Nurse Sarah

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Nurse Sarah
File:Nurse Sarah.png
Release date 23 October 2002 (Update)
Race Human
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? Yes - Biohazard
Location West Ardougne
Sells items? No
Gender Female
Examine She's quite a looker!
Notable features Not wearing typical nurse uniform

Nurse Sarah is a Non-player character in West Ardougne in the large building South-west of the altar.

You must get a Doctor's gown from the box at the north end of the building during the Biohazard quest. She is actually wearing a Doctor's gown instead of a typical nurse uniform.


After quest

Player: Hello there.

Sarah: Hello my dear, how are you feeling?

Player: I'm ok thanks.

Sarah: Well in that case I'd better get back to work. Take care.

Player: You too.

See also