Bakriminel bolt tips

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Bakriminel bolt tips
File:Bakriminel bolt tips 1.png File:Bakriminel bolt tips 2.png File:Bakriminel bolt tips 3.png File:Bakriminel bolt tips 4.png
Release date 20 March 2012 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? No
Equipable? No
Stacks? Yes
Alchemy Cannot be alchemised
Destroy Drop
Store price 200 coins
(Mami Rimba)
Examine Mami Rimba has enchanted these bolt tips.
Weight 0 kg
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Bakriminel bolt tips are used in making Bakriminel bolts. The only way of obtaining the bolt tips is by buying them from Mami Rimba, located in north-west Edgeville. She sells the tips for 200 coins each. Packs of 50 bolt tips are also sold.

The bolts are made by attaching the bolt tips to Bakriminel bolt shafts, which themselves are fletched from Bloodwood logs. Attaching the tips to the shafts gives 13 Fletching experience per bolt. All fletching actions must be done at the Bloodwood tree from which the logs were chopped. If you die with these and leave them under your grave, they will become 3 coins each. Level 93 Fletching is required to fletch the bolts and 85 Woodcutting is needed to obtain the logs.