Spicy maggots

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Spicy maggots
File:Spicy maggots.png
Release date 15 March 2006 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? Yes - Recipe for Disaster
Tradeable? No
Equipable? No
Stacks? No
High Alch 1 coin
Low Alch 1 coin
Value 3 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine They clearly taste so much better this way!
Weight 0.0 kg
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Spicy maggots are an item that players use in the goblins part of Recipe for Disaster. Players doing the quest can make spicy maggots by using spice or gnome spice on fishing bait (which are maggots).

Spicy maggots are an ingredient (along with soggy bread and dyed orange) of the Slop of compromise. Players should take the three ingredients to the Goblin Cook, who will turn them into the slop.

Interestingly, spicy maggots are not a stackable item, unlike ordinary fishing bait.