Ghast (familiar)

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The Ghast familiar is a level 87 Summoning familiar that can be obtained when every follower in Temple Trekking and Burgh de Rott Ramble has reached level 99 (594 total levels).

The pouch can be purchased through the Rewards tab on the Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble noticeboard. Choose the 594 box and click the Claim button to make the purchase. 50,000 coins will buy one Ghast familiar pouch and 25 Ghastly request scrolls.

Unlocking the familiar is a requirement for the Completionist cape as it is part of the Morytania Tasks. It will give approximately 8% of the damage it inflicts as Prayer experience. Those who acquired Spiritualise food from Livid Farm can extend the familiar's timer by 13 minutes, as well as increase its stats.

The Ghast familiar will primarily use its ranged attack during combat. However, it also has a melee attack. Using a prayer against the ghast will not force it to switch attacks. The Ghast familiar is weak against magic attacks.

In a small test conducted against Fire giants, the Ghast familiar yielded an average of 18.05 Prayer XP per attack, including misses.

Ghast pouch


Ghast pouch is bought with 50,000 coins after getting all of the companions in Temple Trekking to level 99.

Ghastly request scroll

A player activating the scroll.

Ghastly request scroll enables the use of the Ghastly request special move for a Ghast familiar. You get 25 scrolls along with each pouch you buy.

Ghastly request

Ghastly request is a special move for Ghastly familiars, which restores 100 prayer points. It costs 20 special points per scroll so 3 scrolls are possible per summoning energy bar. Reverence aura and holy wrench do not affect this restore. A maximum total of 10700 prayer points are able to be restored within the 69 minute time limit.


  • On 3 October 2011 the amount of scrolls received with each pouch was increased from 15 to 25.
  • The ghast symbol on the pouch and scrolls appears to be upside down. It is unknown if this is intentional.
  • The familiar required 85 Summoning on release.
  • The Ghast pouch is one of only two pouches that cannot be created by players. The other is the Meerkats pouch.
