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Year was discontinued from RuneScape after an update.
This article is about the item used in the ceremony for the passing of seasons. For the current year, see 169.
File:Year.png File:Real Year.png
Release date 19 April 2011 (Update)
Removal date 3 May 2011 (Update)
Members? No
Quest item? 2011 Easter event
Tradeable? No
Equipable? No
Stacks? No
Alchemy Cannot be alchemised
Value 1 coin
Destroy You'll have to defeat an evil holly tree to get another.
Store price Not sold
Examine Somehow, you can hold the whole Year in your hand.
Weight 1.0 kg
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The Year is a ceremonial baton, that represents the passing of the year from the Queen of Snow to the Queen of Sunrise during the Spring Equinox, and vice versa during the Autumn Equinox. Although its purpose is metaphorical, its presence in the Land of Holly and Hawthorn does have applications to the seasons of Gielinor.

During the 2011 Easter Event, known as Holly and Hawthorn, the Year was stolen by the Queen of Snow, who did not understand why people enjoyed the coming of spring because she can only see winter-aligned things and spring and summer time are black emptiness when not in the Land of Snow. Players destroyed an Evil holly tree and received a fake year. The true year had to be obtained by gathering keys from spirits and carving a sculpture for the Queen of Snow, so that she can see the beauty of it in ice, in order to convince her.

When attempting to bank the true year, it says that "A magical force is preventing you from banking this item".
