Smithing/High alchemy values

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High level alchemy values (coins)
Item Bars High alch / Specialist store price Bronze
Bronze Iron Steel Mithril Adamantite Runite
Dagger 1 6 21 75 195 480 4,800 6 21 75 195 480 4,800
Hatchet 1 9 33 120 312 768 7,680 9 33 120 312 768 7,680
Mace 1 10 37 135 351 864 8,640 10 37 135 351 864 8,640
Medium helmet 1 14 50 180 468 1,152 11,520 14 50 180 468 1,152 11,520
Sword 1 15 54 195 507 1,249 12,480 15 54 195 507 1,249 12,480
Scimitar 2 19 67 240 624 1,536 15,360 9.5 33.5 120 312 768 7,680
Longsword 2 24 84 300 780 1,919 19,200 12 42 150 390 959.5 9,600
Full helmet 2 26 92 330 858 2,112 21,120 13 46 165 429 1,056 10,560
Square shield 2 28 100 360 936 2,304 23,040 14 50 180 468 1,152 11,520
Warhammer 3 28 103 384 996 2,472 24,900 9.33 34.33 128 332 824 8,300
Battleaxe 3 31 109 390 1,014 2,496 24,960 10.33 36.33 130 338 832 8,320
Chainbody 3 36 126 450 1,170 2,880 30,000 12 42 150 390 960 10,000
Kiteshield 3 40 142 510 1,326 3,264 32,640 13.33 31.66 170 442 1,088 10,880
Two-handed sword 3 48 168 600 1,560 3,840 38,400 16 56 200 520 1,280 12,800
Platelegs/Plateskirt 3 48 168 600 1,560 3,840 38,400 16 56 200 520 1,280 12,800
Platebody 5 96 336 1,200 3,120 9,985 39,000 12.8 67.2 240 624 1998 7800