Calculator:Other/Runecrafting guild tokens
This calculator calculates the profit from buying items with Runecrafting guild tokens.
- It excludes non-tradeable items such as Runecrafting robes and Runecrafting Teleport Tablets.
- Some items are members only. Non-members who are long term players may consider saving their tokens until they become members, even if they plan on joining for a month, doing "members stuff", then leaving, if a members item is currently worth considerably more per token than the best non-members item.
Item Tokens GE price Coins per token Rune essence 1 29 29 Pure essence 1 107 107 Mind talisman 50 84 1.68 Body talisman 50 251 5.02 Air talisman 50 81 1.62 Earth talisman 50 826 16.52 Fire talisman 50 1938 38.76 Water talisman 50 4485 89.7 Cosmic talisman 125 160 1.28 Chaos talisman 125 137 1.096 Nature talisman 125 165 1.32 Law talisman 125 285 2.28