Flash powder

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Flash powder was discontinued from RuneScape after an update.
Flash powder
File:Flash powder.png
Release date 25 June 2005 (Update)
Removal date 13 December 2011 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? No
Equipable? No
Stacks? Yes
Alchemy Cannot be alchemised
Value 1 coin
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine A small satchel of bright powder!
Weight <1 kg
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Flash powder was used by players in the now removed Rogues' Den minigame. They were used to distract the Rogue guards patrolling an area within the maze in the Rogues' Den.

When picked up, players would gain 5 bags of flash powder in their inventory.


There were 2 guards patrolling 2 different paths, and players were required to go through one of these paths to proceed. It was advised NOT to get too close to the guards, as these guards might notice and bring them back to the waiting room (the starting point of the maze). If used successfully, a cutscene would follow showing the player running out and throwing the flash powder at the guard. Once the guard was dazed, players could quickly run through the path being patrolled by the blinded guard.

Flash powder is now unobtainable, however, people who had it in their inventory before the maze got removed still have it.

See also