Update:Patch Notes (18 August 2009)
These official Patch Notes are copyrighted by Jagex. It is a direct quote from the forums of the RuneScape website.
These Patch Notes were announced on 18 August 2009.
These Patch Notes were announced on 18 August 2009.
The following small fixes and adjustments have now been made to the game. If you spot any further bugs in-game, please use the Bug Report feature ('Submit a Bug Report' under the 'Help' drop-down menu of the website).
- While Merlin was in the crystal he was using an old model.
- Fixed some bamboo walls interfering with the floor around them.
- Fixed some animations during the Waterfall quest.
- A few thugs should have jaws once more.
- Made flag animations more consistent throughout the game.
- Corrected the images for a few Summoning scrolls (e.g. Rune Bull Rush used the bronze colour).
- Corrected some size issues with the dagannoth and Tok-Xil heads in your POH.
- Oak logs and pyre oak logs have been made slightly more different from normal logs.
- The Wilderness Volcano shouldn't have disappearing wall parts in certain detail modes.
- Random men around Lumbridge should no longer have arm rendering issues.
- The Stealing Creation hammer can now fix a furnace as part of a certain quest.
- Various questions in Tourist Trap didn't have “?” in them.
- Fixed a spelling mistake in the Garden of Tranquillity when talking to Queen Ellamaria.
- While being pick-pocket in Stealing Creation, the killing interface is no longer closed.
- Added a few messages from the Fist of Guthix minigame to the spam system.
- Fixed an issue with the POH servants potentially circumventing a bank pin.
- Any Achievement Diary messages you may be due now happen slightly later after logging in.
- Made aberrant spectres consistent in the Slayer level-up messages.
- The Magic Training Area now uses the new rune longsword icon.
- Broad arrows are now in the slayer skill guide and level-up messages.
- Fixed grammar issues in Biohazard.
- Fixed an issue with familiars whose timers are about to run out when using their special abilities.
- Canifis pub now has a map icon.
- Tidied up a cutscene in A Soul's Bane and made the NPCs face players correctly.
- You should gain combat XP from attacking General Khazard.
- Stopped a game crash occurring when occasionally browsing your costume room.
- Surok will no longer be visible in the free game.
- Fixed a grammar error in the iron titan's special attack.
- Stopped Safalaan stretching during a cutscene in the Legacy of Seergaze quest.
- Added a Make-X for grinding anchovies.
- It should now be considerably easier to make impling jars at the chemists in Rimmington.
- You can now also use the flowers from the As A First Resort quest to make impling jars.
- Stopped a fishing spot partially moving onto land nearby.
- Your cape rack is now smarter at recognising objects.
- The West Ardougne general store now has a map icon.
- The Rimmington customs officer should now have a yellow dot on the minimap.
- The crocodiles near the rug merchant in Pollnivneach have been relocated slightly, as they were interrupting chat/travel.
- Fluffs is no longer visible in the free game.
- The Wilderness lever messages were inconsistent.
- Random railings have been removed from level 32 Wilderness.
- A few ring names have been made more consistent.
- The PVP section of the Game Guide has been updated to reflect recent changes to PVP Worlds.
- Improved the behaviour of hunting traps when a player logs out.
- Fixed some grammar in Geoff's chat in the Poison Arrow Pub.
- Fixed a couple of grammar issues with Hetty.
- The clockwork book, when destroyed, will now always mention the correct person to get another from.
- Stopped toy boxes misplacing marionettes.
- Some PVP artefacts have been renamed as they were too similar to items in player-owned houses.
- Removed a safe spot on PvP Worlds in the free game.