Morytanian splinter group

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The Morytanian splinter group is an unofficial name referring to an independent group involved in the Sanguinesti Liberation War. The name is derived from Drezel's reference to the group as a "splinter group", paired with the fact that the group appears to operate primarily in and around Morytania. The group consists of both Saradominists and Zamorakians who hope to work together to bypass the Edicts of Guthix, presumably in order to further escalate the Sanguinesti Liberation War. The group's motivation, numbers, and greater nature remain unclear.

The Splinter Group in Paterdomus. From left to right: Fistandantilus, two mysterious persons (presumed leaders), unknown, Zaromark Sliver, unknown.

Because Drezel refers to them as a splinter group, it is suggested that they have no overt allegiance to either Lord Drakan or Misthalin. They are briefly observed during the Legacy of Seergaze quest before two of their members, Zaromark Sliver and Fistandantilus, attack the player and eventually teleport to safety.


Fistandantilus, a Mage loyal to the splinter group.

During Legacy of Seergaze, players encounter a former-Myreque member named Ivan Strom disguised as a Mercenary Adventurer east of Paterdomus, near the River Salve. Strom tells the player that he has recently seen a number of strange individuals in and around Paterdomus. He advises the player to speak with Drezel, the last local Saradominist Monk in the temple following the Occupation of Paterdomus.

Drezel instructs the player to investigate the temple. Upon entering the upper floor, the player witnesses six splinter group members discussing their plans. Upon realising that the player is present, the majority of the group teleports immediately. Two group members, Fistandantilus and Zaromark Sliver, are left behind the defeat the player. The player eventually manages to defeat the two, but both teleport before they can be killed or captured.

Upon investigating the floor further, the player discovers a glove bearing the mark of Saradomin and a book page. The book page highlights various religious centres in Misthalin, and faintly bears the mark of Zamorak. Both are found on a makeshift table fashioned from what appears to be a decaying board from one of the ghetto homes in Meiyerditch, near the Sanguinesti Region's western border. The purposes of these objects remains unknown.

Nothing has been heard of the group since its flight from Paterdomus. However, it will presumably factor significantly into the Sanguinesti Liberation War and later installments in the Myreque quest series.

Known Members

  • Mysterious persons: During Legacy of Seergaze, the group appears to be led by two men referred to only as "mysterious persons". One wears what appears to be a Zamorakian hood, whereas the allegiance of the other cannot be determined. The overtly Zamorakian leader at one point tells the other to be silent until given permission to speak, implying that their power is probably not equal.
  • Fistandantilus: Fistandantilus is a Zamorakian mage and warrior who attacks the player upon discovering their presence in Paterdomus. He escapes following his defeat.
  • Zaromark Sliver: Aiding Fistandantilus during the attack is a ranger and warrior named Zaromark Sliver. Like Fistandantilus, he teleports upon defeat.
  • Others: Two other group members are observed during the confrontation in Paterdomus. Both wear equipment similar to Zaromark Sliver, but in the blue colours of Saradomin. Neither engages the player, and both teleport along with their leaders upon discovery. It is unknown whether the group consists of further members that have yet to be encountered by the player, and as a result its exact size is unknown.

See also