The trice species is a group of bird-like beasts, with a petrifying gaze. There are only a few beasts within this species, and a majority of them are summoning familiars.
The Trices
- The Cockatrice is the most common trice. It is the only trice that has both a monster variation and summoning variation.
- The Chocatrice is the least common trice as it has only appeared twice (during the 2008 Easter event and the 2012 Easter event); it is made out of pure Easter bunny brand chocolate.
- The Spirit Cockatrice is the most common trice that can be summoned as it's egg is the easiest to obtain.
- The Spirit guthatrice is the Guthix variation of the cockatrice.
- The Spirit saratrice is the Saradomin variation of the cockatrice.
- The Spirit zamatrice is the Zamorak variation of the cockatrice.
- The Spirit pengatrice is the Penguin variation of the cockatrice.
- The Spirit coraxatrice is the Raven variation of the cockatrice; it is the least common summable trice, due to the rarity of the Raven egg.
- The Spirit vulatrice is the Vulture variation of the cockatrice.
A Cockatrice
A Chocatrice
A Spirit guthatrice
A Spirit saratrice
A Spirit zamatrice
A Spirit pengatrice
A Spirit coraxatrice
A Spirit vulatrice
The Eggs
The Trice species have eggs, which are primarily used in summoning as the tertiary ingredient.
- A Cockatrice egg is an egg of the common Cockatrice. It is the tertiary ingredient for the Spirit Cockatrice.
- A Chocatrice egg is an egg of the Chocatrice (only found once during the 2008 Easter event).
- A Guthatrice egg is an egg of the Guthatice. It is the tertiary ingredient for the Spirit Guthatrice.
- A Saratrice egg is an egg of the Saratrice. It is the tertiary ingredient for the Spirit Saratrice.
- A Zamatrice egg is an egg of the Zamatrice. It is the tertiary ingredient for the Spirit Zamatrice.
- A Pengatrice egg is an egg of the Pengatrice. It is the tertiary ingredient for the Spirit Pengatice.
- A Coraxatrice egg is an egg of the Coraxatrice. It is the tertiary ingredient for the Spirit Coraxatrice; this is the rarest egg, due to the rarity of the Raven egg.
- A Vulatrice egg is an egg of the Vulatrice. It is the tertiary ingredient for the Spirit Vulatrice.
An egg of a Cockatrice
An egg of a Chocatrice
An egg of a Spirit guthatrice
An egg of a Spirit saratrice
An egg of a Spirit zamatrice
An egg of a Spirit pengatrice
An egg of a Spirit coraxatrice
An egg of a Spirit vulatrice