Update:Christmas Packages in the Jagex Store
This update was added on 5 December 2008.

With Christmas just around the corner, we now have RuneScape-themed gift packages available in the Jagex Store, with the option to include a 12-month subscription card. The Christmas gift packs come with a variety of RuneScape goodies, and some even include a brand new, limited edition ‘dragon armour T-shirt’! There are only 2,000 of these T-shirts available worldwide, and are sure to run out quick.
For the truly devoted player, some gift packs come with a 12-month subscription card, which can be redeemed at any time to guarantee you a year of adventures in the lands of RuneScape. The subscription card is run through the Wallie card payment method, and is available to players everywhere.
Finally, as an extra Christmas bonus, we’ve reduced the price of Betrayal at Falador, the first RuneScape novel! The book can now be purchased for £9.99/$16.99 (reduced from £12.99/$22.99).