Chocolate egg

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This article is about the eggs from 2008. For the eggs from 2005, see Chocolate egg (2005).
Chocolate egg was discontinued from RuneScape after an update.
Chocolate egg
File:Easter egg (2008) 3.png
Release date 18 March 2008 (Update)
Removal date 31 March 2008 (Update)
Members? No
Quest item? No, but is involved in the 2008 Easter event
Tradeable? No
Equipable? No
Stacks? No
Alchemy Cannot be alchemised
Value 1 coin
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine A chocolate egg wrapped in coloured foil.
Weight 0 kg
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The chocolate egg was a reward from the 2008 Easter event. To get into the burrow to do the event, the player had to collect three eggs and give them to the guard bunny. After completing the main event, and obtaining the chocatrice cape and Bunny Hop emote, the player could optionally receive chocolate eggs by collecting additional chocolate chunks and placing them into the mixer. To get all of the prizes, (the chocatrice cape, bunnyhop emote, and three chocolate eggs), you needed a total of 40 chocolate chunks. Up to three eggs could be obtained, after eight, six, and four chunks of chocolate, respectively.

Chocolate eggs are not to be confused with easter eggs, which were obtained during the 2002 Easter event. Unlike easter eggs, chocolate eggs were non tradeable.

The eggs healed ten LP upon eating, and gave the message: "You eat the egg and get chocolate all round your mouth. It heals some health, though."

Attempting to alchemise the egg gave the message: "You doubt the Easter Bunny would be impressed if you turned that to gold." On 31 March 2008 all chocolate eggs melted and turned to chocolate dust. Players holding chocolate eggs in their banks received this message upon logging in: "You remember with dismay that you left some chocolate eggs in your bank. They will have crumbled to chocolate dust by now."

See also
