Watermelon slice

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Watermelon slice
Release date 11 July 2005 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? Yes
Equipable? No
Edible? Yes
Stacks? No
High Alch 9 coins
Low Alch 6 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine A slice of watermelon.
Weight 0 kg kg
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A Watermelon slice is a members-only food item that can be obtained by using a knife on a watermelon into 3 slices. An unsliced watermelon cannot be eaten The amount a watermelon slice heals is affected by your maximum LP in the same way as Saradomin brew or a Unicorn stallion's scrolls. The heal rate per watermelon slice is as follows:

Since watermelon slices heal very little, they are not generally recommended as food; however, players who can carry around whole watermelons and a knife and are able to cut the watermelons when needed may find the slices useful. Players who are using a fruit bat familiar will often find that their follower has generated (found) watermelons as well as other fruit that can be sliced with a knife. This can be quite useful for agility training. Consider a hypothetical situation in which you have 80 constitution and are going to the barbarian outpost agility course; you would then you pack a knife and 25 watermelons—a total weight of 3 kg—which can heal a total of 3750 hitpoints. This means that 3 kg of space can absorb 3750 hitpoints worth of damage before you have to bank again. If you have a knife on your tool-belt better still.

No watermelon seeds can be obtained by eating watermelon.

Dropping monsters

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Tenacious toucan 70 1 5Very rare