- See also: Loom (Clan Citadels)

A loom is a piece of Crafting equipment made available for members. Looms are shown on the world map with the icon .
Only three looms exist in RuneScape:
- South of Falador, just west of the Falador cabbage patch, within the farmhouse.
- In the Elf Camp in Tirannwn.
- Slightly north of Taverley, south of Burthope. The loom is located southwest of the Heroes' Guild, near a crafting and smithing/smelting area.
Players can use the loom to make the following:
- Sack, requires 4 jute fibres
- Basket, requires 6 willow branches
- Unfinished net, requires 5 bunches of flax
- Strip of cloth, requires 4 balls of wool
- Milestone capes, requires 1 ball of wool per 10 levels (i.e. one for Milestone cape (10), two for Milestone cape (20), etc.)