Animated spade
{{Infobox Monster
|name = Animated spade
|image = |Animated spade]]
|release = 21 December 2004
|update = The Haunted Mine
|level = 50
|LP = 400
|slaylvl = No
|members = Yes
|aggressive = No
|poisonous = No
|attack style = Melee
|max hit = 60 (approx)
|always drops = Spade
|examine = How does it move of its own accord?
The Animated spade is a monster that can be found just outside The Lair of Tarn Razorlor. As their name suggests, they are spades that appear to move on their own. The spades are apparently controlled by the spirits trapped in the Abandoned Mine. Often, unprepared players who have little or no knowledge of the lair, try to pick it up just to mistakenly attack it and get attacked back. The spades stand tall and upright, slightly off the ground.
- Outside the Lair of Tarn Razorlor (Abandoned Mine, Morytania)
- Chaos Tunnels
100% drops
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Spade 1 Always 122
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Starved ancient effigy 1 Very rare Not sold