Claws of Guthix

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Claws of Guthix
Members only? Yes
Level 60
Runes 1 Fire
4 Air
2 Blood
Spellbook Normal
Base experience 35+
Quest Mage Arena
Lectern None
A player casts Claws of Guthix.

Claws of Guthix is a combat spell in the standard spellbook. Casting it requires 60 Magic in addition to either a Guthix staff or a Void knight mace equipped. The spell is unlocked by completing the Mage Arena activity; it must be cast 100 times within the arena itself in order to be used anywhere else. Upon a successful hit, Claws of Guthix may lower the target's Defence by 5%.

By itself, Claws of Guthix has a maximum hit of 200 life points. Like the other god spells Saradomin Strike and Flames of Zamorak, the spell Charge temporarily increases the maximum hit to 300.

However, neither Saradomin Strike nor Flames of Zamorak may be cast with a staff that boosts Magic damage, while the Void Knight Mace increases Magic damage by 10%, increasing Claws of Guthix's maximum hit to 330. With an Arcane Stream Necklace as well, the total Magic damage boost is 25%, increasing the max hit to 345.

Furthermore, if using a Hexcrest or Full Slayer Helmet while on a slayer task with the afformentioned items, the total magic damage boost is 35%, increasing the max hit to 405. The highest hit known to date is 466, which was cast on another player in the Duel Arena using Charge, a Guthix cape, the Void knight mace, Saradomin's hiss and Subjugation boots, gloves and shield.


Spell Costs
Runes Cost
4Air rune 1Fire rune 2Blood rune   436
Staff Cost

Combination runes Cost
4Smoke rune 2Blood rune   1,514


  • Previously, if the target's Defence level were reduced or boosted from the normal level, as would be the case after using a Defence potion or something similar, the Defence level would remain unaffected by the spell. This was corrected on 10 January 2007.
  • Before the update that allowed autocasting without a staff, Claws of Guthix was the only god spell that could be autocast, through the use of the Void Knight mace.

Template:Spells fi:Claws of Guthix es:Magic/Claws of Guthix