Fire Bolt

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Fire Bolt
Fire Bolt
Members only? No
Level 35
Runes 1Chaos4Fire3Air
Spellbook Normal
Base experience 22.5
Quest None
Lectern None

Fire bolt is the second strongest free-to-play magic fire spell and the fourth strongest fire spell for members in the standard spellbook. This spell deals a maximum damage of 120 without boosts. The catalytic rune used for this spell is one chaos rune. A fire staff can be used to cut the costs of this spell. Like all combat spells, each damage point caused by this spell yields 0.2 magic experience and 0.133 constitution experience.

A player casting Fire Bolt.

Members who have completed the Family Crest quest can wear Chaos gauntlets which increase the maximum damage of the spell to 150.


Spell Costs
Runes Cost
3Air rune 4Fire rune 1Chaos rune   166
Staff Cost
4Fire rune 1Chaos rune Staff of air   142
3Air rune 1Chaos rune Staff of fire   110
Combination runes Cost
4Smoke rune 1Chaos rune   1,210

If a Magical Blastbox and fire staff are both used, it costs Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins.


File:Fire bolt old.png
A close-up of the old Fire Bolt in flight.
File:Fire Bolt Close.png
A close-up of the new Fire Bolt in flight.
  • Before the Runescape HD update, Fire Bolt differed in appearance and shape from other spells in its category. While Wind Bolt, Water Bolt, and Earth Bolt appeared pointy, Fire Bolt appeared round, and noticeably rotated in flight. After the update, all Bolt spells were changed to adopt the shape and texture of Fire Bolt, to maintain consistency.
  • On 24 June 2010, all of the elemental spells received a graphical make-over.

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