Action bar
The Action bar is found above the chat after the Evolution of Combat. It consists of five rows of twelve slots, with small up and down arrows at the right side to scroll between the rows. Abilities could be dragged from the Ability book into the action bar for easy access. The twelve slots each have their own key; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, - and = from left to right, although these keys can be changed by right clicking the action bar slot and selecting the "Customise Keybind" option and then pressing the key that the player would like to be assigned to that action bar slot. Players could hit the key to use that ability. Alternatively, they could simply click the ability's icon. There is a "lock" button at top left of the action bar that allows players to lock the abilities in place, meaning when clicking abilities, they would always be used rather than dragged.
Parts of the Action Bar
This will toggle the action bar between its locked and unlocked states. When locked, items in the 12 slots cannot be dragged to the trashcan; any click will use that slot.
Dragging an item from the action bar (while the action bar is unlocked) will remove that option from the action bar. Right clicking allows a player to clear an entire action bar at once.
Adrenaline Bar
Indicates the current amount of Adrenaline a player has built up.
12 Slots
The 12 slots can be filled in a variety of ways.
Actions: (this list is probably incomplete)
- Beta:Abilities
- Spells
- Items
- Emotes
- Prayers
Right clicking allows a player to customize the key that will activate the specific slot, like so: File:Shortcuts on action bar.png
Clicking minimize will hide the action bar, disabling it. Chat will become your default option when typing. You can sheathe weapons by right clicking and selecting "Toggle Sheathe" or by pressing the * button. When weapons are out, the tooltip text over the player is their combat level. When weapons are sheathed, it changes to the player's total level.
Selecting Action Bar
A player can have up to 5 action bars saved. The current bar (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) will appear in the center, surrounded by two arrows. The up and down arrows will rotate through the five available bars. Shift+1, Shift+2, etc. or right clicking on the number can also be used to quickly switch between the five bars. The right click option "Customise Modifier Key" can be used to change Shift to to either Ctrl or Alt. This means Ctrl+1, ..., Ctrl+5 or Alt+1, ..., Alt+5 will switch between the five action bars.
The default Melee action bar
The default Ranged action bar
The default Magic action bar