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Revision as of 00:46, 10 August 2012 by imported>JekyllRS
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Release date 02 April 2012 (Update)
Members? No; Permanent version, Yes
Quest item? Yes
Tradeable? No
Equipable? Yes
Stacks? No
Alchemy Cannot be alchemised
Destroy During Event: You can get another from the Evil Chicken or Chocatrice in Varrock square. After event: Diango
Store price Not sold
Examine Temporary eggsterminator: The Eggsterminator - this modified handcannon can fire scotch eggs or marshmallow. The current version will disappear after the Easter period.

Permanent eggsterminator: The Eggsterminator - this modified handcannon can fire scotch eggs or marshmallow. This version will remain after the Easter period.

Weight 3.6 kg kg
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The eggsterminator was an item given at the 2012 Easter Event to blast eggs and turn the chicks or chocochicks inside them into evil drumsticks or chocotreats. It can also be fired at players similar to the Christmas wand, but cannot be used as a weapon in combat.

According to the chocatrice and evil chicken, the eggsterminator is a modified hand cannon. This explains its look of an easter egg covering one end, and a bird at the front. It is also fired, reloaded, and held in the same manner.

The player is able to keep the Eggsterminator by finding all 5 eggs in three hunts for a total of 15 eggs. However, free players cannot obtain the permanent version of the Eggsterminator because in each hunt, at least two eggs are in members only areas.

Hover over image for type A player wielding an Eggsterminator.
A player wielding an Eggsterminator.
 Attack bonus
0 0 0 0 0
 Defence bonus
0 0 0 0 0
Other bonuses Slot

0 0 0% 0
Template:Unknown Attack Speed

A player splatters another player with a marshmallow.
A player splatters another player with the scotch-egg.
The Attack styles of the Eggsterminator.


  • There was a glitch where players could change weapons after shooting. Players will appear to be reloading the weapon they just equipped. This has since been fixed.
  • There were a lot of glitches when performing an emote right after shooting someone, while players were reloading the cannon. This has been fixed as well.
  • There is currently a glitch where after unequipping the eggsterminator, there is still an option to "Splatter" other players. When chosen, however, the Character simply walks up to the other person.
  • If the player is wearing either the chocolate egg on face mask or egg on face mask and is shot by the eggsterminator by another player, the masks reveal a secret emote where the player spins around as they are hit. The emote varies depending on whether the target is being shot by a scotch-egg or a marshmallow.
  • If a player enters the Varrock or Falador shortcut while reloading, they will no-clip through the wall.
  • If a player is resting, and they have a mask on, they will not do the special emote when hit by the eggsterminator. Only the explosions are shown.
  • The name of the eggsterminator is a reference to exterminators, as the player uses it to kill small animals.
  • If you 'Use' the Eggsterminator on the Chocatrice, he says "What a fine looking ornament of eggy death". The Evil Chicken says "With that you can bring eggy retribution upon our enemies *bwaaak*".
  • Currently, if you are a member and equip the permanent eggsterminator you can still fire it at players in free to play worlds, although you must select the marshmallow or scotch-egg fire option on a members world.
