Yk'Lagor the Thunderous (music track)

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Yk'Lagor the Thunderous (#721)
Release date 19 August 2010 (Update)
Members-only? Yes
Location Daemonheim - Yk'Lagor the Thunderous boss room
Quest No
Unlock hint This track unlocks during Dungeoneering.
Instruments Unknown edit
Track duration 06:02
Composer Ian Taylor

Yk'Lagor the Thunderous is a music track that is unlocked during the boss fight against Yk'Lagor the Thunderous on the Occult floors of Daemonheim. There are 2 variations of the track, the first one is before Yk'Lagor is freed, the second one and the principal plays afterward.

The other track: Music played before Yl'Lagor is freed.


  • There is a glitch that the sound track of "Yk'Lagor the Thunderous" may be played when you login into any Resource Dungeon (Can also happen on rare occasions in Witchaven during the cutscene in Kennith's Concerns) although you don't really unlock the soundtrack in your music player.
  • On the day of release, Yk'Lagor the Thunderous' music track's unlock info reads "This track unlocks default info." This is similar to the glitch that occurred to the Wilderness Volcano's theme, Eruption.