Within the Light

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Within the Light (#156)
File:Within the Light.png
Also called? WTL
Release date 13 October 2009 (Update)
Members only? Yes
Quest series Plague
Official difficulty Master
Official length Medium
Developer Chris L
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Old School RuneScape uses the British convention for floor numbering: Ground floor, first floor, etc.

Within the Light is the eighth quest in the Plague quest series, and fifth involving the elves of Isafdar. It continues where the player left off in Mourning's End Part II, delving deeper into the Temple of Light's mysteries in hopes of discovering the source of a disturbance.

Official description

A new disturbance has been noted in the Temple of Light by Thorgel, the dwarf who unwittingly mined his way to the Death Altar. Luckily, the disturbance is far less threatening than what was faced in Mourning's Ends Part II, but it is still highly curious. Guide Arianwyn to the temple's depths and locate the source of this energy, and you might find an unusual way of harnessing it...


Start point: Talk to Arianwyn in Lletya. Talk to Arianwyn in Lletya.
Members only: Yes
Official difficulty: Master Master
Description: None
Length: Medium
Requirements: Quests:
Boosts cannot be used for any of the following:
Items required:

Can be obtained during quest

Useful items:

Enemies to defeat: None (but beware of Shadows - Level 73)

Arianwyn's mission

Talk to Arianwyn in Lletya in the large building to the east. He is worried and glad to see you. He asks you if you remember Thorgel the dwarf, who tunnelled his way from the Underground Pass into the Temple of Light. Arianwyn claims Thorgel to be on your side now, protecting the death altar against the Death Guard. Thorgel has reported strange sightings in the Temple and asks for help. Agree to help him. He wants to accompany you to the Temple of Light in disguise to talk to Thorgel there about the latest threat to the Temple's security. You will need to give him a disguise in the form of a set of Mourner gear, create a diversion in the Death Guard Headquarters and enchant a blank teleport crystal to get him in (which he will give you during the conversation).

Making preparations

A good chanting spot.

For the two sets of Mourner gear, one for you and one for Arianwyn, you'll need to kill a Mourner. If you kept the set from Mourning's Ends Part II, you can equip that to enter the basement of the Mourner HQ (the north-easternmost building in West Ardougne - you must be wearing only the set, and no weapon, shield or neckwear) and kill a level 108 Mourner for another set (this is most efficient, as you can get the diversion, crystal enchanting all in one go. Keep in mind that this MAY NOT always work). If you do not already have a Mourner set then you will need to go to the Arandar pass in the Galarpos Mountains to fight a level 11 Mourner who will lower all your combat stats down to 20 and your lifepoints to 200, assuming you don't one-hit them. The gear will be intact this time provided you have started the quest when you obtain it and as such does not need repair. Kill another mourner for a second set.

Head to the mourner headquarters in West Ardougne and go through the trapdoor near the staircase. Wearing a Mourner's set is needed for this. A new key and tarnished key are needed as well in order to enter the Gnome's prison. If you don't have one in your bank and cannot search the desk for another, try your key ring for the new key, as the tarnished key can't be placed on a key ring. Speak to the gnome in the headquarters prison. Agree to free him and he will agree to create a diversion (if you intend to free him later, talk to the head mourner now about releasing him, and again just before you talk to Arianwyn to complete the quest).

Enchant the crystal in the dungeon near the entrance to the Temple of Light, at the dead Mourners and slaves, but away from harm of the Shadows(one spot is just south east of the first slave, behind the jutting out part of the south rock wall). You must remove the gas mask before attempting to enchant the crystal. You must be sufficiently close to the temple to be able to enchant it. If you are not in an appropriate spot you will not be able to enchant the seed and will be prompted to move to a better location. (Note: if you are too close, the prompt text will still say "closer to the temple".)

The Mourners suffer under the chant.

A cutscene will occur, showing the Death Guard HQ. The chanting proves very harmful to mourners, as two of them are lead to cry and bang their heads against the wall in an attempt to "make it stop". Put your gas-mask back on, and return to Lletya to talk to Arianwyn. Give him the mourner gear, just continue the conversation until given option to go with Arianwyn to the Temple. If you are ready to enter the temple with him, agree to start. You will need the Crystal trinket, Colour wheel from Mourning's Ends Part II to enter the temple (if you no longer have the Crystal trinket simply ask Arianwyn for another; the colour wheel can be obtained by searching the dead guard slumped against the wall outside the Temple of Light during the quest if it is not in the bank) and a way to enter the Death altar, like a Death talisman or Death tiara (Arianwyn will give players one, once, if asked when they eventually reach the ruins). Some food might be needed too. When ready, Arianwyn will teleport you and then himself to the spot where you enchanted the crystal. You cannot be teleported if you have a familiar following you.

The Death Altar

Arianwyn, your protector.

Thorgel is by the mysterious ruins that goes to the Death altar. To get to the altar through the Temple, immediately go up the stairs as you enter, then south and up the small stairs inside a wall cavity. Upstairs, return to the centre and go down one of the two sets of stairs. In case the door of light is cyan and not passable, you must go to the Death Altar alone (through the Abyss or the wicked hood), rotate the mirror in the pillar, collect Arianwyn in Lletya and make your way to Thorgel again, rotating the mirror so that the three light doors to the Altar can be passed.

Once you've passed the first light door, rotate the mirror directly infront of it to allow access to the light doors infront of the Death altar. Remember to rotate it back before you leave.

Beware of the shadows that will attack you in the temple. They can hit for up to 130 points of damage and do so regularly if they get near you. Arianwyn will shoot attacking Shadows with his crystal bow and he will always kill them with one shot, but the shadows can attack you before being shot. Also, be aware, that at some points later in the quest Arianwyn will not travel with you and, therefore, will not kill the shadows — Protect from Melee is recommended.

Investigating the pillar. What could go wrong?

Talk to Thorgel, who tells you to talk to Arianwyn; do so. He will talk to Thorgel while you must inspect the energised pillar to the east of you, just in case. Do so. Nothing will happen, but you find the energy strangely familiar. Talk to Arianwyn again. You tell him the energy of the pillar reminds you of the crystal trinket and that you will next use the trinket on the pillar.

Use the trinket on the pillar. A bright flash of light appears. Return to talk to Arianwyn again. You discover the trinket contains the same type of energy as the Temple, but is insufficient to absorb the required amount of energy for it is too small, but Arianwyn thinks your body will do the trick. You just need to use your body like you used the trinket in Mourning's Ends Part II. Thorgel enters the death altar to assist you.

A player getting power from the Death altar.

Enter the death altar. Talk to Thorgel there. He'll help you onto the altar, where you become energised. The energy lasts only a short amount of time, so be quick for the next steps. Arianwyn will not be protecting you this time around, so use either Protect from Melee or strong melee armour to reduce damage from the shadows.

The shadows are a real bother here, so bringing something like a Brackish blade to quickly kill them is a good idea.

Return to the mysterious ruins via the death altar portal. Rotate the first pillar of light mirror by the stairs so that you can access the stairs. Go up and use the stairs to the north. Run east then south to the crystal on the east end of the second floor, and touch it.

A player who has been energised.

Run back down the stairs to the pillar and rotate the mirror again so that the mysterious ruins can be accessed. Run to the energised pillar and touch it. If you are still energised, you will be teleported to another location. If you are not quick enough, you will need to become energised again and repeat the process.

Note: Occasionally you will be teleported back to the Light Temple even after getting to the energised pillar quickly. If this happens, you can quickly click the pillar again and be teleported again to the Light Puzzle room without having to become energised on the Death altar again. It is unknown whether this is a glitch or not.

Light Puzzle

One solution to directing a white light into the black receiver.

Note: The positions of receivers differ from player to player.

Watch the cut scene when you teleport to the next location, as it contains clues you need for the puzzle. Search the dead slave for a set of notes and a colour wheel (if you don't already have one).

Read the notes, which contain more clues. Solve the puzzle in this location. A beam of blue light comes into the place from the blue light emitter on the east wall.

File:White light solution.jpg
Another solution for the same puzzle.

That wall also has red and green light emitters, which are not functioning. The west wall has a large stone door that must be opened and four light receivers. You must use the crystal trees, rotate the crystal cores, and use the colour wheel to guide the light.

The key to understanding the colour wheel is to match up colours which are opposite each other on the wheel. For example, on the wheel, yellow is opposite blue, therefore, to "unlock" the yellow light receiver you have to use a blue light beam. A crystal tree needs to be chopped with the hatchet and shaped with the knife to become a crystal core.

The blue beam of light must be guided into the yellow light receiver. This activates the red light emitter and the green light receiver. It may be the case that not every player sees the yellow receiver in the same spot but, wherever it is, the yellow receiver requires a blue beam of light to "unlock" it.

The red and blue beams of light must then be combined into a magenta beam which is directed to the green receiver. This will unlock the green light emitter. The red and blue beams do not have to follow the *exact* same path to the green receiver as long as they combine into the magenta beam which can then be directed to the receiver.

When directing the magenta beam into the green receiver you do not have to keep the blue beam directed at the yellow receiver. This applies to the next step as well.

The green and blue beams of light must be combined into a cyan (light green-blue) beam which is then guided into the red light receiver. As previously, the green and blue beams will not take exactly the same path to the red receiver but will join up part way to make a cyan beam which is then directed the rest of the way. This activates the black light receiver.

All three beams of light must be guided into the black light receiver (the one that has no color when examined). When combined the red, green and blue beams will make a white beam. As with the previous steps, the beams will start out along quite different paths but will eventually come together to form a white beam which can be guided into the receiver. This white beam must be directed into the black receiver. This causes a ladder to appear along the south wall.

Platform Puzzle

In the middle of the maze of pain.

Warning: If you die, your grave will appear behind the energised pillar. (teleport to the death altar through the Abyss or the wicked hood if the door to the altar is unlocked.) You will have to repeat the energisation process again to re-enter the platform puzzle area.

Progress of the light puzzle will also be saved.

Climb up the ladder. You will find yourself on a platform. You must jump from platform to platform (by clicking on the gap) until you get to the one with the ballista. However, spikes will shoot out from

The route through the maze as shown by the minimap.

the floor of some platforms in certain spots, damaging 100 life points every couple seconds you stand on one, so you must time your jumps right. Note that some platforms don't have spikes, so you can use those as safe spots. As long as one's time is taken, the puzzle can be fairly easily solved without taking any damage.

Even on the platforms which do have spikes it is possible to make your way across without taking damage. On some of the platforms the spikes are static (stay in one spot) and on these platforms it is possible to jump across the gap at a spot with no spikes, then quickly run across the spots which do have spikes when the spikes are down, and make your way through to the next platform safely. On platforms where the spikes are rotating, wait till the spikes move through the spot you wish to jump across the gap at then jump across and "follow" the spikes around the platform until you get to where you wish to jump off the platform to the next. It is possible—though it does require careful timing—to negotiate the entire course without taking any damage. However, it is not recommended to attempt this for the first time without an adequate supply of food.

Shooting the target with the crystal ballista.
File:Within the light Conclusion.png
The conclusion of the knowledge earned from the quest.

When you reach the platform with the crystal ballista, shoot the ballista at the right time to hit the target. You can take as many tries as you need until the target disappears. This causes the door in the west wall of the previous room below to open. Go back across the maze and climb down the ladder.

Now you are able to go through the open door in the west wall and search the dead Elf messenger in the corridor. Find and read a report, the Prifddinas report, in which Iestin indicates that you are in a 'corridor of light' that, before it partially collapsed, led from the temple to an 'under-city', under Prifddinas, which has been reverted to crystal.

Return to the death altar and talk to Thorgel. Thorgel tells you that Arianwyn has returned to Lletya. Before teleporting out, rotate the mirror of the red beam (east) so that you are able to gain access to the Death Altar from the Temple after you complete the quest and wish to use the teleporting crystal that will teleport you in front of the Temple.

Now is your last chance to inquire about saving the Gnome, if you intend to (it's completely optional). Head back to the Mourner's HQ and talk to the Head Mourner about releasing the Gnome. He will consider it. If you return after the quest, the gnome will remark that he overheard the guards considering his release.

Go to Lletya and talk to Arianwyn. As you talk, you give him the report. He realises that Prifddinas has reverted to a giant crystal and plans to send Thorgel and other dwarves to clear out the corridor of light to the under-city.

Quest complete!


Within the Light Reward
Within the Light Reward
  • 2 Quest points
  • 35,000 Experience
  • 20,000 Experience
  • 20,000 Experience
  • 20,000 Experience
  • 2 extra spins on the Squeal of Fortune
  • The ability to add a choice of destination to your teleport crystals. Talk to Eluned in Isafdar during or after the quest with a charged crystal in inventory. The crystal will acquire the ability to teleport to a safe area in front of the Temple of Light, in addition to its original Lletya teleport. Your crystal will still provide a one-click teleport to Lletya after this upgrade.




  • On the day of release, the spoilers read: "The spoiler is coloured red. To reveal it, use your colour wheel and
    File:Graphical Glitch for WTL.jpg
    The glitch making portions of the floor invisible.
    find out which combination of lights will be required! Or, just wait until later for everything to be illuminated..."
  • The quest was announced by hints on RuneScape's Twitter account with the following hints, in English and German:
    • "It'll soon be time in RuneScape to head west and meet up with some old friends", Mod Ajd
    • "Es werde Licht!" - doch er fand den Schalter nicht. Außerdem: Im Westen was Neues. :) -Mod Heiko" Meaning: "Let there be light!" - but he didn't find the switch. Moreover: Something new on the Western Front."
  • Upon the completion of this quest, one's Adventurer's Log will read: "The reactivation of the Temple of Light's defences opened a path of light to an unknown area."
  • There appears to be a graphical glitch with the platform puzzle. In spots where a shadow of a tree trunk or a vine should be, it is completely invisible. This only occurs in DirectX mode.
  • When this quest was first released it was classified as a grandmaster quest.
  • When this quest was first released each skill had its highest level requirements in relation to other quests/total needed for quest cape.
  • When Arianwyn wears the Mourner gear, the cape seems to have a different color scheme, with a red inside of the cape. This is only when he's still standing in Lletya though, and not when he accompanies the player through the tunnel



Template:Plague Series nl:Withing The Light fi:Within the Light