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For Dungeoneering titles, see Dungeoneering/Titles.

Titles are names that come before or after a player's username in the chatbox and when right-clicking. Titles may be obtained in various ways, including:

Note: Titles only appear in public chat. They do not appear in private chat, Friends Chat, or Clan Chat as either a clan member or guest.

Members Loyalty Programme

These titles can be bought from Xuan using Loyalty Points. After a title is bought, players can still revert to previous titles, or to no title at all. There is no limit to how many titles a player can have. Eight of the titles depend on the gender of the player. The titles are displayed in the chatbox and also when right-clicking players. The titles can be seen on both Free-to-play or Pay-to-play servers, even if the player with the title is not currently a member.

File:Title in chat.png
An example of titles being shown in chat.
Title Cost
Lord/Lady 1,000
Sir/Dame 1,000
Duderino/Dudette 4,000
Lionheart 4,000
Crusader 8,000
Hellraiser 8,000
Desperado 10,000
Baron/Baroness 10,000
Count/Countess 15,000
Overlord/Overlordess 15,000
Prince/Princess 15,000
Bandito 20,000
Duke/Duchess 20,000
Justiciar 20,000
Big Cheese 25,000
Bigwig 25,000
King/Queen 25,000


Emperor/Empress 30,000
Wunderkind 50,000
Witch king/Witch queen 50,000
The Awesome 50,000
The Magnificent 50,000
The Undefeated 50,000
The Strange 50,000
The Divine 50,000
The Fallen 50,000
The Warrior 50,000

Solomon's General Store

These titles can be purchased from Solomon's General Store with Runecoins. Members get a 10% discount on all items.

Name Cost Members Cost
[Name] the Handsome / Beautiful 100 90
The [Name] 100 90
[Name] the Skilful 84 76
[Name] the Suave / Elegant 80 72
[Name] the Hot 80 72
Doctor [Name] 70 63
[Name] the Intimidating 68 61
The Untouchable [Name] 60 54
Mr / Mrs [Name] 60 54
Master / Miss [Name] 60 54
Esquire / Ms [Name] 60 54
The Mysterious [Name] 56 50
[Name] the Stylish 52 47
The Outrageous [Name] 48 43
[Name] Junior 44 40
Cheerful [Name] 20 18
Grumpy [Name] 20 18
[Name] the Thrifty Free Free
The Mighty 1800 1620 (Purchased with Dwarven Warsuit Pack)
Flyboy/Flygirl 1800 1620 (Purchased with Dwarven Warsuit Pack)

Mobilising Armies Ranks

Prior to 31 August 2011, Mobilising Armies titles would only show up near the Mobilising Armies Command centre. These titles can be used on F2P servers, even if the player's subscription runs out.

Rank Prefix
1-99 Junior Cadet
100-199 Sergeant
200-299 Commander
300+ War-chief

Vampyric Titles

These titles are available after starting The Branches of Darkmeyer. Players who wear the full Darkmeyer disguise will have their title set to their vampyric title. Vampyric titles are kept intact on free-to-play worlds, as long as the player keeps the Darkmeyer disguise on.

The titles are:

Status Bar Title
0-24% Vyreling
25-49% Vyre Grunt
50-99% Vyrewatch
100% Vyrelord/Vyrelady

While it is believed that defeating Vanstrom Klause during The Branches of Darkmeyer will automatically max out the status bar, this is not true. The easiest way for players to max out their status after the quest is to enter the jail and kill human prisoners until maxed. It is possible to max out one's status without fully completing the quest.

There is a minor glitch that causes some players' vampyric titles to still display as "vyrewatch" even after maxing out the status bar. Logging out and back in will fix this. Taking a piece of the disguise off and re-equipping it will help too.

Death Titles

Death titles are available as a reward from the Crucible, bought with trophy bones from defeating enemies.

Name Cost (Trophy bones)
No Title (default) free
Cowardly [Name] 12
[Name] the Redundant 12
Everyone attack [Name] 30
Smelly [Name] 30
[Name] the Idiot 30
Sir Lame [Name] 30
[Name] the Flamboyant 30
Weakling [Name] 30
[Name] was punished. 30
[Name] lost 30
[Name]... you fail 30
No-mates [Name] 30
[Name] ate dirt 30
Delusional [Name] 30
[Name] the Respawner 30
Cutey-pie [Name] 30
[Name] the Fail Magnet 30
[Name] was terminated 30
Lazy [Name] 30
[Name]? Who? 30

Tzhaar Title

After completion of the quest The Elder Kiln, the player is assigned the title YtHaar, meaning sacred-cold. TzHaar will then address the player as Yt'Haar-[TzHaar caste]-[Name].

Possible castes are Ket, Xil, Hur or Mej. The highest total among the following skill totals determine a player's caste:

Caste Skills
Ket Strength + Defence
Xil Attack + Agility
Hur Smithing + Crafting
Mej Magic + Prayer

The in-game player title lacks the apostrophe. However, when viewed in the player's Adventurer's Log, the the apostrophe is present (displaying Yt'Haar).

Gielinor Games Reward Shop Title

One title is available from the Gielinor Games, and is bought using Contribution points.

Title Cost

5500 (500 + 5000 to unlock the golden tier).

The title can be re-equipped in the customisation tab under the Descriptions category.

This title can now be bought from the Loyalty Shop in Varrock or Burthope for a cost of 5,000 Loyalty points.

Registering Email Title

Registering your email to your Runescape account, will give you the "The Real" title. You can turn this on by right-clicking on the Cape of Validation and choose "set title".

This can be turned off like any other title: by finding and right-clicking on Xuan, then select "Clear-title Xuan".

Thief Titles

After completing Stolen Hearts, players can return to Khnum in the Draynor jail to receive one of four thief titles. The initial thief title is determined from the answers to Khnum's questions during Stolen Hearts, but players can pick a new thief title at any time by simply asking Khnum for a different title.

Thief Titles
Artful Dodger [Name]
[Name] the Enforcer
Don [Name]
[Name] the Swindler

Reassigning Titles

One can have titles of multiple types unlocked. For example, a player may have the Lord/Lady title, the Vyrelord/Vyrelady title and the YtHaar title unlocked. To switch between them:


  • The 50,000 Loyalty Points reward Wunderkind is German for "Child Prodigy" or, literally, "Wonder Child".
  • When a player right-clicks players who have added titles to their names, their names will be the default grey/brown colour, instead of the usual white.
  • If a player comes near the Mobilising Armies Command Centre, his or her title will be replaced by their Mobilising Armies rank prefix, if they have one activated. Previously, if they had no rank prefix activated, their title would vanish. After they leave the area, their title will not return, and they will have to go back to Xuan to reactivate it. Since then, if no Mobilising Armies Title is activated, the loyalty title will stay with the character. To remove a title at Mobilising Armies, simply speak to any of the rewards personnel.
  • The title Duderino is most likely a reference to the film The Big Lebowski, where Jeff Bridges' character 'The Dude' at one point refers to himself by many names, one of them being El Duderino.
  • Putting on and taking off any piece of the Darkmeyer outfit will cause any title you have active to disappear; it can be fixed by repeating the process. This has yet to be fixed.
  • If one had a title that changes to your gender, there was a glitch where the players title (like Lord) would not change to the players current gender; the players title would stay the same until you log out. This has since been fixed.
  • A player's title would change to the corresponding gender when doing Fremennik Sagas.
  • Player Moderators with a title are shown as Title Name.
  • The title Witch King is the title given to the leader of the Ringwraiths from the Lord of the Rings series.
  • The following titles: The Awesome, The Magnificent, The Undefeated, The Strange, The Divine, The Fallen and The Warrior were picked from players' suggestions that players could post in a forum thread.
  • The only titles available to players not wishing to spend money on either membership or runecoins are those purchasable from Solomon's General Store for 200 Runecoins (which are available free) or less, and the "The Real" title, given by the Cape of validation. These are, in order of decreasing Runecoin cost:
    • The
    • The Handsome/Beautiful
    • The Skilful
    • The Suave/Elegant
    • The Intimidating
    • The Untouchable
    • The Mysterious
    • The Stylish
    • The Outrageous
    • Cheerful
    • Grumpy
    • The Thrifty
    • The Real
  • Those who purchased the title 'Justiciar' from Xuan, the Member's Loyalty Programme shopkeeper, experienced a minor glitch following the release of The Crucible where their name appeared as the Redundant Name' while the title 'Justiciar' was in use.