Update:Your Barrows Tips, Please!
This update was added on 5 January 2012.
With the Barrows receiving a fresh new graphical makeover, defeating the spirits within has never been a more beautiful experience. If you’ve never taken on the Barrows Brothers before, now’s the perfect time to grab your spade and start digging!
You don’t need to be a high level to take them on, but be warned; the brothers are no push-over and should be handled with caution. Since they first arrived in Gielinor, we’ve seen all manner of tactics and guile used to dispatch each brother, so now we turn to the skilled and successful to share their advice for an upcoming video.
We’ll soon be launching “Ten Top Barrows Bros. Tips” as a guide perfect for those new to the Barrows or those looking for some new tactics. If you’re a Barrows-weary veteran and have a tip to share with fresh-faced warriors, let us know by emailing us at [email protected] or by posting them on the dedicated thread before January 12th. The most useful ten tips will feature in the upcoming video - coming soon!
Remember: your advice could be the difference between a reward worth millions or a lonely trip back to Lumbridge!
Mod Paul M