Update:RS2 Beta Item test
This update was added on 3 March 2004.
We have deleted all the RuneScape-2 beta accounts, and replaced them with a fresh copy of your RS1 account. This time the copy comes with all your items and quest status.
We would like to make it clear that this is just a test, this is NOT the full launch!
The new RS2 beta accounts that have been created are still temporary, using them still won't affect your real rs1 account in any way, and they will still be deleted at the end of the beta.
We have done this to test our full save game converter works properly, and give people a chance to play the beta with all their items and armour. If you notice any of your quests or items do not appear to have converted correctly then please report it on our rs2 bugs forum.
Remember: Even though you have all your latest items and stats, everything you do in the beta will still be forgotten when the beta ends.