Update:Players' Gallery - Clans and Carnivals!
This update was added on 17 March 2010.
Carnival has ended, but we had some great artwork from our community. It was excellent to see so many colours and so much fun!
If you want to enjoy the best artwork for March, why not check our Players' Gallery right here?
Congratulations to SaxSpieler for the awesome artwork - the colours and lines were very good! Keep on checking your mailbox for your Jagex goody bag!
This is the year for clans! This is Clan Celebration Month and we know everyone would love to show their clan pride through their works of art! The next Players' Gallery will be 'Clans'!
You can use your imagination and choose your style of art from a range of concepts; it doesn’t just have to be clan banners, logos, etc. Think outside the box and show us what you are made of - how about drawing your clan leader on a throne in full bronze looking like a noob?
As always the best artwork will be shown to the whole RuneScape community in April and your clan reputation is at stake plus you’ll get some promotion for free. How cool is that?! Oh, and don’t forget to send your artwork to [email protected] by the 1st of April - if you don’t Mod Timbo will get ya! We wouldn’t like to get him mad now, would we?
Don't forget to check out our Deviant Art group, where you can find even more inspiration from great RuneScape artists to become one yourself!
We're always looking for great artists and if you'd like to see your work featured on our website, then check out our forum thread which can be found in the Community Home forum.
Mod Turtle
Community Management
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