Update:Players' Gallery: Clans, Skills and Dungeons
This update was added on 11 April 2011.
Although we haven’t said the last word about clans, we’ve received some great artwork from you. If you want to check out what particularly impressed us, check the Gallery here.
Special congratulations go to syb2 for their artistic smithing of 'Rune Armour'.
But as one door closes, another one opens - we’ve got another theme for you! On the 1st of May the world celebrates International Workers’ Day so why not commemorate it with some pictures/sculptures/needlework about skills or even skills at work in dungeons? It has already been a year since we introduced Dungeoneering to the game, so I bet you've got some impressions to put down on paper/canvas/cloth.
Make sure to visit our deviantArt Group to get some inspiration or simply get some advice from your artistic colleagues.
All submissions for the next gallery should be sent to [email protected] by the 1st of May. Don't miss out!
Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome on our dedicated feedback thread, The Players' Gallery.
Mod Karolina
Community Management
RuneScape Wiki note: The links no longer work.