Update:New Poll System
This update was added on 27 March 2007.
The poll system has received a few necessary changes this week.
For one, we can ask several questions at any one time. This means we can get more detailed responses instead of trying to get a comprehensive result from just one question!
Additionally, we can propose many more answers than we could before, which means we can ask you about your favourite skill, quest or minigame without having to limit your answers to the usual ten.
There are other changes - too many to cram into Postie Pete's postbag - but you'll soon find out that we can add images, thank you messages, the possibility of selecting several answer options, and feedback about how we have used your answers. This last one is very important to us - we want you to know just how important the polls are to us, and how much they can affect future content.
Which brings us onto the final additions that have arrived with the shiny new poll system: Guaranteed Content polls and Player-submitted poll week.
Every so often, we will release a poll that leads directly to content being added to the game; whether that be the reward for an upcoming quest or which minigame deserves an update. This does not mean that other polls will not lead to content changes - far from it - but it does mean that we can guarantee that the winning choice will make its way into the game. Keep your eyes peeled for these Guaranteed Content polls - they will be preceded by a news post, much like this one!
Finally, the Player-submitted poll week is your opportunity to ask the entire RuneScape community a question that has been niggling you. So, we would like you to send any poll ideas you have to [email protected] and we will handpick the most interesting of them. These will then be published, once a month, in Player-submitted poll week!
Please take the time to vote in the polls. As they always have been, they are an essential means of finding out what you want from us!