This update was added on 16 October 2007.
This week we have added an extra feature to the Clan Chat system: LootShare! By switching this option on, all monster drops and rewards will be fairly shared between the clan members fighting with you. LootShare even remembers if you were unlucky enough to receive nothing in a battle, increasing your chance of being lucky next time!
Because it is based on the existing Clan Chat system, setting up a group is simple. To activate it, turn on the LootShare option on your Clan Chat menu. You can organise yourselves into a LootShare clan beforehand, or you can invite people to join your chat channel in any multiway area. Once organised, you can chat to your friends using the Clan Chat system and work out tactics for defeating any brutish beasties!
The Clan Chat owner can set the minimum rank for anyone wishing to LootShare in a multiway combat area.
After two minutes, LootShare will become activated and you will be included in the sharing of the monster drops. As long as you are within 16 squares of the defeated creature, you will be considered for LootShare!
To get a better understanding of the LootShare system, we advise you to read the Knowledge Base article, here.
In other news...
The ring of life has had its behaviour slightly modified. It will now remove any poison that you may have been affected with as well as its usual effects.
A few seagulls on Karamja were getting a bit stuck. They can once more fly freely around this lush area.
The Hunter pitfall trap has had some tweaking to fix a graphical problem for certain camera angles. Also, the gnome scarf and the Fletching Cape of Accomplishment have been altered to fix render issues.
White knights have been re-trained to hold swords correctly and not hit themselves on their heads!
The ambient sounds of magic trees have been somewhat toned down and adjusted so the result is a less intrusive and more pleasant magical jingle.
A change has been made to the mechanics when a player is killed by a monster. Your items will remain on the ground only visible to you for one minute should you wish to run back to recover them. After that, anyone nearby will be able to see them. Previously, if a player died to a monster the items were appearing instantly for everyone.