Update:Log-in and Frame-rate Issues: Update
This update was added on 4 November 2011.
We’re aware that the technical issues experienced by some users this week have been a source of frustration, and we’d like to give you an update of where we are with the fixes.
This week, we implemented a fix to allow users previously stuck in the lobby to log into the game. We also made some tweaks to stop players being kicked to the lobby while teleporting and moving into new areas.
These measures should fix the majority of the log-in problems, and we’ll be working hard over the coming week to fix the remaining issues and to ensure that these problems do not re-occur.
Our focus now is to remedy the frame-rate and map loading difficulties. So far, we have tested and implemented a number of changes to our textures and shaders which have improved the situation, but we will be continuing to work next week to further optimise the game’s graphics, in order to implement our customary high level of usability across the board.
Once again, we apologise for the frustration that these issues have caused. Implementing these fixes will require thorough work, so please have a little more patience while we complete them.
The RuneScape Team