Update:Important Changes
This update was added on 29 January 2004.
We are happy to report that the maintenance operations and enhancements we have been carrying out to the website are now complete. We have made some important changes to the way that you manage your RuneScape account and password, and also how we communicate with you.
No More Email
As of now, Jagex will NEVER send you email - all replies to queries that you send to us in will placed in your message centre, which you access as before by logging in to the secure area of our website. We don't even send email reminders anymore.
Therefore if you do receive ANY email that appears to be from us, then you should assume it is a fake and ignore it.
Password Support
Password Support used to be provided using email, with us giving you a new password and emailing it to you. Since we no longer send email, the Password Support process has changed.
Now, when you fill in the password support form, we ask you to choose a new password in advance, and give you a unique 'tracker id'. Using this tracker id allows you to view the status of your password support request directly from the Customer Support area of our website.
Since we don't contact you when we have processed your request, it is up to you to check the status of your password support request from our website using the tracker id. When Customer Support has finished processing your request, you will be able to see the final decision (request accepted or declined).
Changing your Password and Recovery Details
We have moved changing your password and changing your recovery details from within the game into the secure area of our website.
When you log-in to the secure area of the website, you will see that the secure menu will show you when you last updated your password, recovery details and contact details and provides links for you to update this information.
You will also notice that the secure menu gives you other useful infomation, such as the number of unread messages you have in your inbox and (if you are a member) what is new on the forums since your last visit and how much membership credit you have.
Rules Updated
Lastly, we have changed our rules slightly to make them clearer. There are no 'new' rules, we are simply making sure that everyone fully understands our current rules. You can see our rules by clicking through 'Rules and Security' on our front page.