Update:Guaranteed Content poll - Halloween
This update was added on 18 June 2007.
Two weeks ago, we added a thread in the Suggestions Forum for Halloween 2007 ideas. Many of you posted, coming up with some ghoulish ones.
We have gathered these ideas, grouped some of our favourites together, and produced options for our second Guaranteed Content poll. Thanks go to the many of you who posted.
You may notice that all of the themes mention the Grim Reaper in some way, which was down to the sheer number of suggestions that involved him. He is obviously popular!
So pick carefully, as the winning votes will be made into this year's Halloween event. We may even include some surprises to keep you on your toes. Visit the poll system to cast your vote!
Although there have been two Guaranteed Content polls recently, they will not be released this frequently. It happened to be that two subjects suitable for this kind of poll came up at once.