Update:Get your 99s here!
This update was added on 10 June 2011.
The road to the top can be fraught with obstacles. There can be greater demons hiding around the corner or a particularly prickly ranaar weed that needs to be pulled. But worry not, there is help at hand. As part of the Club 99 program there are over 1,000 mentors ready and waiting to help you get to the top and get you to level 99 in the skill of your choice. So, if you want to get that 99 but think it’s too hard or you don’t know the best way to do it, read on.
This weekend, we will be holding a series of meet and greets with the mentors of different skills. So, if you want to head over to Pyramid Plunder to meet the thieving mentors, chill with the melee mentors at the Tzhaar Fight Pit, visit my house and hang out with the construction mentors or any of the other many events going on this weekend then head over to this thread to find out more.
On top of that we have a very special event happening this weekend. A player called Alibhon is completing a very special goal and getting 25 99’s and the quest cape in one day! This is an incredible acheievment and to recognise her hard work and dedication we wanted to everyone to take part in this momentous occasion. You can follow Alibhon’s journey in real time on our Facebook page as well as wish her well and ask her any questions in this thread. There will also be an official video of the event coming on our YouTube page.
But that’s not all! Over the following week the mentors will be holding special Q&A sessions in the official Club 99 friends chat channels so you can ask them any question about the skill that you like. To find out when they will be in the chat channel, check out this thread.
If that’s not enough for you, the following weekend the mentors will be taking part in a Stealing Creation competition. Simply head into the friends chat channel that you want to support and start a stealing creation game. The highest three scores posted in the results thread for each friends chat channel will be averaged to give a final score; will the Melee mentors beat the Runecrafting mentors? You’ll have to check it out.
So, take advantage of this if you want to get those 99’s and perhaps you can even join the elite group of maxed players whose combined total of 2,000 years of in game time is helping them to quickly approach a total of one trillion XP!
Mod Mat K