Update:Combat Beta: Sign-Up Now!
This update was added on 1 June 2012.
Beta Sign Ups Now Open!
Today sees the launch of The Evolution of Combat beta sign-up, giving you the opportunity to be one of the first to try out one of our biggest ever updates! Sign up between the 1st and 19th of June for the chance to help define one of the biggest updates in RuneScape’s history. Check it out here.
In recognition of the commitment shown by long-term RuneScape members, anyone with 12 or more consecutive months of membership will have full, unlimited access to the beta from day one! If you meet this requirement , you’ll be informed that you’re automatically eligible for full access when you sign up. In addition to this, we will be choosing another 50,000 from the remaining pool of players who apply to take part. Sign-up is still required to be able to take part in the beta program.
To sign up, click on the Combat Beta Contract in your inventory, or go straight to www.runescape.com/combat
To celebrate the beta sign up we've launched the Combat HQ: a new area on our website devoted to giving you information about this epic update. Head over to the Combat HQ and you’ll see all the latest news about the Evolution of Combat, and a sneak peak at some of the upcoming changes; this week, you can find out more about new abilities! There’s also a new forum where you can discuss all things combat-related.
The RuneScape Team
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