Trollheim herb patch

Once a player is able to "clamber onto the windswept roof of the Troll Stronghold," the herb patch there can be a valuable source of experience and income for players that can exploit its advantage over the other four herb patches in RuneScape - any herb planted there will always yield and never die. After completion of My Arm's Big Adventure, My Arm the mountain troll will ensure that the patch will not become diseased (completion of the quest 'My Arm's Big Adventure' is required to access the patch).
Getting There
The two best ways to arrive at the rooftop patch are:
Teleport to Trollheim (the quest Eadgar's Ruse needed) descend the hill to the west. Continue west and north through an area filled with aggressive trolls and into the stronghold. Run south through the stronghold, to a door, and then north to a ladder. Climb it to get to the patch.
A less click-heavy alternative to this route is to use a slayer ring or the fairy ring code AJR to the Fremennik Slayer Dungeon entrance. Be sure to bring Rock climbing boots with you; you'll need them to cross the small rock wall. Head north, over the rocks and then east to the secret door. Enter the door, go to the other end of the troll jail, go up the stairs, go up the next stairs, and then proceed to patch - this route is slightly longer, approximately 1 minute 36 seconds, but does not require runes.
The patch is certainly remote, and to help out, the attendant leprechaun goes beyond normal leprechaun services by offering garden supplies.

Making the Most of the Patch
To utilize the patch at its highest potential, a player should acquire the Scroll of life as a reward from Daemonheim. It costs 10,000 tokens, and requires level 25 in both Farming and Dungeoneering . This reward returns a seed from harvesting a patch 10% of the time. (It also returns a random herb seed from a dead patch 5% of the time, but this is not a problem on top of Trollheim). Since one can expect an average of 6.8 herbs per seed, without any fails here, one can additionally expect an extra seed every ten plantings creating pure profit.
Obviously the best seed to use is the very expensive Torstol seed . At the time of this writing the seed costs over a quarter of a million gold pieces, additionally at the current prices for clean torstol leaves, one needs to cultivate 6.5 leaves EACH seed just to break even, any dead patches means a large loss, making Torstol a very risky crop to grow. But not in Trollheim. By hedging an investment with the Scroll of Life and only growing Torstol in the patch, one can be assured to break even every harvest until good things happen: that is, a large harvest or recuperating a seed.
A farming level of 85 is required to plant and cultivate torstol, however it is possible for players as low as 82 with the boost from a garden pie . Hint: bring a whole pie (for the two bites), as sometimes the bonus wears off while harvesting/planting and it's a long way to a bank.
Incidentally, for lower-level farmers, similar though not as large, profits can be made with other herbs - here is a breakdown.
Trollheim/Scroll of Life Expected Profit - Ten Plantings
Herb | Snapdragon | Ranarr | Avantoe | Spirit Weed | Kwuarm | Wergali | Lantadyme | Irit | Toadflax | Cadantine | Dwarf Weed | Tarromin |
Profit* | 348,800 | 292,200 | 283,832 | 260,038 | 237,877 | 222,215 | 200,644 | 199,359 | 158,775 | 127,115 | 97,824 | 44,980 |
Herb | Harralander | Guam | ||||||||||
Profit* | 42,514 | 22,354 |
*This chart calculates 6.8 leaves per seed times ten seeds minus the cost of ten seeds, finally adding the cost of a recuperated seed.
Or, (Price of Herb x 68) - (Cost of Seed x 9)