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Player: You told me how to thaw out the Muspah, I thought I should keep my part of the bargain.

Ali the Wise: Oh! So you have some information for me? I must record this!

Player: To start with, the Muspah wasn't what it appears to be. It turned out to be alive all along, and once I'd freed it, it... changed. It told me it was a Mahjarrat. It was quite a shock to suddenly see its head was a skull.

Ali the Wise: The Muspah creature was a Mahjarrat in disguise?

Player: Yes, he's called Jhallan. He was incredibly weak and wanted to hibernate under the Mahjarrat ritual site. I found him somewhere peaceful and put him back to sleep. Apparently the ritual will rejuvenate any Mahjarrat nearby.

Ali the Wise: We know where to find him again, should we ever need to. Well, that creature in the ice has given me much to think about. I've started to research these Mahjarrat; I'm worried they may be a threat to us humans. We need to collaborate to gather as much information as possible.

Quest Completion Dialogue

Player: I have more interesting information about the Mahjarrat.

Ali the Wise: Good, good, I'm always happy to compile more information on these creatures. They are of great interest to me.

Completed Enakhra's Lament

Player: I encountered a pair of Mahjarrat called Enakhra and Akthanakos. Enakhra has imprisoned Akthanakos in the form of a creature called a "boneguard". The imprisonment spell seemed to require her constant supervision, though. I ended up breaking the deadlock and now they say they're headed to the north to continue their fight there.

Ali the Wise: Why would they be heading to the north before resuming their fight, I wonder? I guess it's something to do with the ritual. It seems unusual that they were embroiled in such a fight outside the Ritual, anyway.

Player: Apparently they've always been rivals, but it seems they also had religious differences. Enakhra is a follower of Zamorak and Akthanakos follows a god called Zaros.

Ali the Wise: A Mahjarrat following Zaros? Interesting.

Player: So, you've heard of Zaros?

Ali the Wise: Yes, there are some reference to him in ancient texts that I have run across. From what I gather, he once had followers who were fiercely loyal to him; what has become of him now, I don't know.

Completed Defender of Varrock

Player: A Mahjarrat called Zemouregal tried to invade Varrock with an army of zombies!

Ali the Wise: Ooh, can you tell me more? That's big enough news that rumours of it have already been circulating down here.

Player: Yes, his army was led by an ancient hero Arrav, who Zemouregal managed to enslave. A man named Dimintheis managed to defeat the zombie army with an artefact called the Shield of Arrav. Oh, and I helped quite a lot, if I do say so myself.

Completed the Temple of Ikov

If You Aided The Guardians of Armadyl

Player: I met a strange person called Lucien - I believe he was a Mahjarrat. He certainly looked similar to Jhallan. He was trying to steal a powerful artefact called the "Staff of Armadyl". He wasn't actually all that strong, I managed to just about defeat him in combat, but he escaped before I could finish him off.

Ali the Wise: Hmm, this is quite interesting. From what I've heard of Mahjarrat, I wouldn't have expected him to be such a weak foe. I guess that fact it's not long until the ritual means that are weakening a bit.

Player: It doesn't seem to have stopped him getting up to some mischief, though.

Ali the Wise: The staff of Armadyl, you say? I've heard of Armadyl; an obscure deity from around the Third Age. Very interesting that a Mahjarrat would be after an artefact attributed to him. Sounds like it might be powerful. [note that attributed was dispelled]

Additional Dialogue if You Received the Armadyl Communiqué

Player: Unfortunately, I've heard that Lucien has managed to capture the Staff of Armadyl despite my efforts. A message I received indicates a mage called Movario obtained it for him.

Ali the Wise: I'm not sure of all the implications of this. that could be a powerful artefact. We're going to need to keep an eye out for this Lucien fellow now.

If You Aided Lucien

Player: I met a strange person called Lucien - I believe he was a Mahjarrat. I helped him steal an artefact called 'the staff of Armadyl".

Ali the Wise: You did what! Are you sure that's the sort of thing that's sensible to go around doing?

Player: I'm an adventurer. I do quests. He was prepared to give me a quest. I did the quest.

Ali the Wise: I've heard of Armadyl, an obscure deity from around the Third Age. If a Mahjarrat was after an artefact attributed to Armadyl, we can be sure it's powerful. I'm not sure what all the implications of what you've done are, but we're going to keep a eye out for this Lucien fellow now.

Completed the Ghostly Robes miniquest

Player: I've managed to find out more about the Staff of Armadyl. I'm told Zamorak used it to defeat Zaros and become a god himself.

Ali the Wise: It's really that powerful? Does it mean that Lucien is trying to follow in Zamorak's footsteps and become a god? Who knows what chaos would come to pass if that were to happen.

Completed the Shadow Sword miniquest

Player: I've run into General Khazard in the Shadow Realm. I think he's a Mahjarrat.

Ali the Wise: You were in the Shadow Realm? Goodness me, how did you manage to get there?

Player: I guess I've picked up a lot of useful bits and pieces on my adventures.

Ali the Wise: Did you find out anything of interest from him?

Player: Yes, he was sending this message to his followers: "The planets are nearing alignment; we will meet in the place of half light and ice soon. Beware of the others, for though they are weak and few, they are cunning." Mean anything to you?

Ali the Wise: [with the player's chat head due to a glitch] Hmmm...I'm not sure exactly.

Ali the Wise: [with the player's chat head due to a glitch] I guess the place of half light and ice could be the Ritual area. The bit about the planets aligning is interesting.

Completed Desert Treasure

Player: I inadvertently freed a being called Azzanadra from a pyramid to the west of here.

Ali the Wise: That name sounds familiar. Is he a Mahjarrat?

Player: I think he might be.

Ali the Wise: so, what was he like? Was he another conniving and evil follower of Zamorak?

Player: Well, now you come to mention it, he wasn't a follower of Zamorak and he was actually rather helpful. He taught me a bunch of new spells. I'm not convinced he's entirely trustworthy, but he doesn't seem all that bad either.

Ali the Wise: It's all very interesting. You know it does increasingly seem that not all these Mahjarrat are completely evil. Not to the extent some people would have you believe, anyway. There does seem to be a bit of a mix of personality types, like with many other races.

Completed Hazeel Cult

Player: I've found out about a slain Mahjarrat named Hazeel. There's a whole cult dedicated to reviving him in Ardougne.

Ali the Wise: So this cult is helping the Mahjarrat?

Player: Yes, they said they're faithful to Lord Zamorak, and seem to be in awe of the Mahjarrats' power.

Ali the Wise: It's fascinating how people of a particular nature flock to power.

Additional Dialogue if You Aided the Cult

Player: I actually managed to infiltrate the cult. I saw Hazeel in the flesh!

Ali the Wise: But...you said he'd been slain!

Player: The cult was successful in reviving him, though he seemed very weak.

Ali the Wise: This Hazeel, is he still in Ardougne?

Player: No, he said he was heading north where he'd regain his strength.

Ali the Wise: North...up to the Ritual Site, I dare say. so Jhallan isn't the only Mahjarrat in dire need of rejuvenation.

Completed While Guthix Sleeps

Player: Lucien has managed to get hold of another artefact. From what I can tell, it's quite a bit more powerful than the Staff of Armadyl - it's called 'The Stone of Jas'

Ali the Wise: The Stone of Jas? That sounds highly unlikely.

Player: You've heard of it?

Ali the Wise: Yes, I've seen passing references to it in some old texts I've read. I doubt it's real though.

Player: I can assure you it's very real. I touched it with my own hand before the Mahjarrat ran off with it.

Ali the Wise: Well, this is very frightening news. Who knows what havoc the Mahjarrat will be able to wreak. I shall have to ponder on this.

Started The Curse of Arrav

Found Stone Tablets Written by Lamistard

Player: I've found some interesting stone tablets in those tunnels written by a Mahjarrat named Lamistard.

Ali the Wise: Let's see them, then.

Ali the Wise: Now these look interesting. Hmmm, let's see...

Ali the Wise: Yes, this is interesting. It seems that Jhallan wasn't the only one trying to get near the Ritual area by other methods. It really does seem attending the Ritual is critical to their power. It looks like this guy might have

Ali the Wise: come to a sticky end.

Found Zemouregal's Mahjarrat Notes

Player: I've found these notes about many different Mahjarrat, made by Zemouregal.

[Ali starts to read the notes.]

Ali the Wise: These really do look interesting - there's so much information here! There are more Mahjarrat in the world than most people think. All sorts of Mahjarrat I've never heard mentioned. Bilrach, Kharshai - look,

Ali the Wise: there are even details of Mahjarrat who have recently perished. Remarkable. It looks like there's a clear split between those who follow Zamorak and those who follow Zaros.

Completed The Temple at Senntisten

Player: Yes, and I've finished helping him.

Ali the Wise: Splendid, I knew I could rely on you. I trust you were appropriately rewarded?

Player: Indeed, I now have the ability to use curses in place of prayers.

Ali the Wise: Really? I've heard of these curses in the ancient texts, but had presumed them to be myths. Be sure to use your newfound power wisely.

Player: As you may know, Dr. Nabanik is actually a Mahjarrat named Azzanadra.

Ali the Wise: I must admit, I had my suspicions, <<Player>>. He seemed to know a lot about history, but the way he talked about it...

Ali the Wise: Well, it was like an eyewitness account.

"What do we know so far?"

Player: So what information do we have compiled so far?

The Mahjarrat are powerful creatures with a strong aptitude for magic including the ability to change their form and look like other creatures. There are a number of Mahjarrat active in the world.

Jhallan, who you helped hibernate in the north, seems much weaker than I'd expect the Mahjarrat to be. You spoke of a Rejuvenation Ritual, perhaps he was not present at the last ritual.

If you revived Hazeel:

You told me of Hazeel, who is faithful to Lord Zamorak. The cult in Ardougne have revived Hazeel, though he's rather weak, and he's headed north. Presumably for the Rejuvenation Ritual.

If you stopped Hazeel:

You told me of Hazeel, who is faithful to Lord Zamorak. The cult are trying to revive him, and are faithful to Lord Zamorak

There is Zemouregal, who controls many zombies, including the once great hero Arrav. Zemouregal seems to have a penchant for attacking Varrock.

Enakhra is a female Mahjarrat and follower of Zamorak. She is a rival of Akthanakos, who is a follower of Zaros.

There's General Khazard, who is currently wandering the Shadow Realm.

There is Azzanadra, who you freed from a pyramid he was trapped in and who then taught you how to use a lot of useful magic.

There is Lucien, who is now looking particularly dangerous and powerful, even for a Mahjarrat. First, he gained control of the Staff of Armadyl and now he has the Stone of Jas, which could be the most powerful artefact known to Gielinor. It's possible he even has aspirations to become a god.

There are many more Mahjarrat with names like Bilrach, Kharshai, Sliske and Wahisietel. Some more powerful than others. Many seem to follow the evil god Zamorak. Others seem to follow another, more obscure god of debatable alignment called Zaros.

They all seem to be preparing for a forthcoming Ritual, where one of them will be killed.