Deathslinger: We have much work to do, but I could stop for a moment.
Conversation 1
Player: What is the biggest creature you have killed?
Deathslinger: Haha, you sound like my cubs! What did you kill, mama? Did it have ten heads, mama? Did it fire magic bolts from its eyes?
Player: Alright, I get it. I was just making conversation.
Deathslinger: Do not sulk, naabe. You simply reminded me of better times. To answer your question, it was most likely a sinkhole.
Deathslinger: They are huge and flat, shaped something like an open palm. They burrow beneath the ground, and then fold themselves into a fist, storing the land and people within them to be digested when required.
Player: Thats (sic) horrible!
Deathslinger: And so much worse to be inside one. This place is nothing in comparison to a sinkhole, naabe. I relish every day outside of that thing.
Conversation 2
Player: How much do you know about Daemonheim?
Deathslinger: I know that it has been here for far longer than you or I have been alive, beyond the lifetimes of our parents, grandparents and any relatives they knew.
Deathslinger: Many, from so many different races, have been born here. And many have died here, filling the holes they helped to dig. It is not a life they deserved, but they knew no other.
- Player: But why didnt (sic) they just leave?
- Deathslinger: Because a great tyrant demanded that they stay. He was more than the stag of their herd; he was the hunger that beset them, the pestilence that ate at them, and the storms that battered them.
- Deathslinger: It is my aim to kill him, and my aim is unmatched among our people. I save a poison arrow for his heart.
- Player: It must have been a terrible life.
- Deathslinger: It is best to not consider it a life, naabe. They would have burrowed without question, knowing no life better than this. Like blind moles, churra.
- Deathslinger: They believed that they were burrowing to an exit. It is hateful to think that their leader may have played upon this fact, encouraging them downward to their escape.
Conversation 3
Player: Why do the gorajo have only one role? You can't be a deathslinger all the time, can you?
Deathslinger: A gorajo needs but one role. How do you humans say it? We...specialise.
- Player: I guess that would make you a pure. I mean, adventurers who specialise in one skill are often called pures.
- Deathslinger: A pure? I like this. The goraju are pure of action, pure of purpose... Yes, I will accept this term.
- Player: How does that work? What if you are on your own and need to heal, or make a weapon, or even set a fire...
- Deathslinger: A gorajo is never on their own, naabe. Even now, as I fight by your side, I lie in a spirit wake with many other gorajo who are in this dungeon. Skinweavers oversee us in the wake and worldbearers feed us.
- Deathslinger: Besides, it is not the gorajo way to feel wanderlust and the need to be alone. Those are the words of ramokee - gorajo exiles - and we do not like talking of them.
Conversation 4
Player: I dont (sic) have any more questions.
Deathslinger: Fly fast on the wind, young naabe.