Transcript:Creeping hand

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Player: I've got to hand it to you, you fought valiantly.
Hand: My goodness, you're very witty for a cold-blooded killer.
Player: You forgot to add "hand-some".
Hand: Yes, that's right. I forgot.
Player: That's enough chatter for now. There's no wrist for the wicked.


Player: Greetings. I would shake your hand, but I'm not sure how that would work.
Hand: Every time, always with the hand jokes.
Player: I'm sorry, I can't help myself. Gimme five!
Hand: I should slap you right here and now.
Player: Okay, we shouldn't let this get out of hand.
Hand: ...


Player: Lovely day, isn't it?
Hand: Sorry did you just say something WITHOUT a needless hand pun?
Player: It can happen, you know.
Hand: I'm...I'm stunned.
Player: Obviously, you can't hand-le the truth.
Hand: Ah, there it is.